Invoke Canvas onPaint exactly once per update?

2019-09-12 05:38发布


AKA: Canvas requestPaint() too slow; requestAnimationFrame() too fast

I'm trying to create a QML Canvas that repaints as fast as possible—once per update in the main UI render loop—in order to create an FPS timer.

I initially wrote this simple test:

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    visible:true; width:100; height:100
    Canvas {
        onPaint: console.log(+new Date)

I only get the callback once. So I added requestPaint():

onPaint: {
    console.log(+new Date)

No change: I still only get one callback. Same if I use markDirty(). Same if I actually paint something on the canvas each callback.

So I moved to requestAnimationFrame():

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
    visible:true; width:100; height:100
    Canvas {
        Component.onCompleted: crank()
        function crank(){
            console.log(+new Date)

Now I get callbacks, but way too many. On average, I get 77 callbacks per millisecond, some times as many as 127 callbacks in a single millisecond. So many callbacks that nothing else in the application displays, not even initially. Even if I remove the console.log(), to prove that I'm not i/o bound).

How can I get my canvas to repaint once "per frame", so that I can measure the FPS semi-accurately? Any why does requestPaint() not actually work? And why is requestAnimationFrame() apparently useless?


The problem with your approach is that you are requesting paint from onPaint, this is not going to work, because onPaint event is triggered from within QQuickItem::polish()

void QQuickItem::polish()
    if (!d->polishScheduled) {
        d->polishScheduled = true;
        if (d->window) {
            QQuickWindowPrivate *p = QQuickWindowPrivate::get(d->window);
            bool maybeupdate = p->itemsToPolish.isEmpty();
            if (maybeupdate) d->window->maybeUpdate();

During this call d->polishScheduled is set to true and if you call requestPaint() again, nothing happens. You need to trigger it asynchronously. For example, use Timer with interval 0.

import QtQuick 2.0

Canvas {
  id: canvas
  width: 200
  height: 200
  property real angle
  property int fps

  Timer {
    id: repaintTimer
    running: false
    interval: 0
    onTriggered: {
      angle += 0.01

  Timer {
    interval: 1000
    running: true
    repeat: true
    onTriggered: {
      fps = 0

  onPaint: {
    var ctx = getContext("2d")
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)
    ctx.moveTo(100, 100)
    ctx.lineTo(40, 10)
    ctx.lineTo(40, 40)
    ctx.lineTo(10, 40)
    ctx.lineTo(10, 10)
    fps += 1

Another Timer is here to record fps. When I run this code in qmlscene, I get 60 fps.


There was a bug with requestAnimationFrame() prior to Qt 5.9. This bug has been fixed.

The following code works as expected and desired to keep the canvas continuously redrawing:

Canvas {
    width:100; height:100;
    property var ctx
    onAvailableChanged: if (available) ctx = getContext('2d');
    onPaint: {
        if (!ctx) return;
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
        // draw here

标签: qt qml qt-quick