i'm new in iOS developing and the objective c. so i want to start with a simple app. i'm trying to make an app for a play cards game that records the score each round. so it just adds up each team (two teams ) score. in the app interface there will be three buttons and two text fields to add the scores and a text view to see all the scores recorded.
so now i'm on the record method n i get a runtime error after pressing record in the iPhone simulator :
- (IBAction)record:(id)sender {
// NSString *slna = lna.text;
// NSString *slhm = lhm.text;
int x, y, resultx, resulty;
x = [lna.text integerValue];
y = [lhm.text integerValue];
resultx = 0;
resulty = 0;
resultx= resultx+x;
resulty= resulty+y;
alnashrah.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %d", resultx,resulty];
the error message i get : " Thread 1 : breakpoint 2.1 "