The behavior is very similar to what is described here, but only happens when the googlequicksearchbox is in the background. I'm with Google APP
I created the SpeechRecognizer by calling
SpeechRecognizer.createSpeechRecognizer(myContext, new ComponentName("", ""))
I got the following error message in Android Studio Logcat
GoogleRecognitionServic﹕ #startListening [es-MX]
WebAppState﹕ WebApp unloaded
MediaFocusControl﹕ AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from$1@11f9f287 req=4flags=0x0
MediaFocusControl﹕ AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$1@11f9f287
Greco3EngineManager﹕ create_rm: m=ENDPOINTER_DICTATION,l=en-US
Greco3EngineManager﹕ Brought up new g3 instance :/system/usr/srec/en-US/endpointer_dictation.config for: en-USin: 1 ms
ErrorReporter﹕ reportError [type: 211, code: 458760]: es-MX
ErrorProcessor﹕ onFatalError, ignoring error from engine(1): es-MX
ErrorReporter﹕ reportError [type: 211, code: 458756]: GsaErrorCode: 458756, engine: 1
ErrorProcessor﹕ onFatalError, ignoring error from engine(1): GsaErrorCode: 458756, engine: 1
GoogleSpeechRecognition﹕ onError No match
Here is the entire messages from the speech recognizer. There is also an ERROR_CLIENT near finish. Another thing is there is no onRmsChanged call when this happens. Usually, there are tons of this call during a normal recognition request.
googleRecognizer﹕ onError No match
googleRecognizer﹕ onReadyForSpeech
googleRecognizer﹕ onBeginningOfSpeech
googleRecognizer﹕ onPartialResults
googleRecognizer﹕ onPartialResults
googleRecognizer﹕ onPartialResults
googleRecognizer﹕ onPartialResults
googleRecognizer﹕ onPartialResults
googleRecognizer﹕ onEndOfSpeech
googleRecognizer﹕ onError Client side error
googleRecognizer﹕ onResults