Can someone share example codes in Flask on how to access a MySQL DB? There have been documents showing how to connect to sqlite but not on MySQL.
Thank you very much in advance
Can someone share example codes in Flask on how to access a MySQL DB? There have been documents showing how to connect to sqlite but not on MySQL.
Thank you very much in advance
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mysql://username:password@server/db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True)
def __init__(self, username, email):
self.username = username = email
def __repr__(self):
return '<User %r>' % self.username
You can google "Flask-Sqlalchemy" for more things.
Firstly you need to install Flask-MySQL package. Using pip
for example:
pip install flask-mysql
Next you need to add some configuration and initialize MySQL:
from flask import Flask
from flaskext.mysql import MySQL
app = Flask(__name__)
mysql = MySQL()
app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_USER'] = 'root'
app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = 'root'
app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_DB'] = 'EmpData'
app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST'] = 'localhost'
Now you can get connection and cursor objects and execute raw queries:
conn = mysql.connect()
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * from User")
data = cursor.fetchone()
Pretty simple with pymysql:
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
import pymysql
db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database")
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
def someName():
cursor = db.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM table"
results = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template('index.html', results=results)
if __name__ == '__main__':
In your index.html file just do something like:
<% for row in results %}
<td>{{ row[0] }}</td>
<td>{{ row[1] }}</td>
<td>{{ row[2] }}</td>
<td>{{ row[3] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
from flask import Flask,jsonify,abort, make_response
import MySQLdb
app = Flask(__name__)
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "yourDbPassWord", "DBname")
@app.route('/api/v1.0/items', methods=['GET'])
def get_items():
curs = db.cursor()
curs.execute("SELECT * FROM items")
print "Error: unable to fetch items"
return jsonify({"desired: " response})