
Docusign composite template giving TAB_REFERS_TO_M

2019-09-11 21:49发布


I was trying to use these two templates as a composite template thru the REST api. I sent out each template on its own and it worked fine. Here is the request from the log file:

Content-Length: 1526
Host: demo.docusign.net
X-DocuSign-Authentication: {"Username":"Kathleen.Jones@XXX.com","Password":"[omitted]","IntegratorKey":"[omitted]"}

  "compositeTemplates": [
      "serverTemplates": [
          "sequence": "1",
          "templateId": "2d743750-f910-4a30-ad34-ac5bc0ca8daa"
          "sequence": "2",
          "templateId": "63479d79-a776-4767-a2a3-1ebd01d7d8fa "
      "inlineTemplates": [
          "sequence": "1",
          "recipients": {
            "signers": [
                "name": "Joe Blow",
                "email": "JoeBlow@outlook.com",
                "recipientId": "1",
                "roleName": "CEO"
                "name": "Kathy Blow",
                "email": "KathyBlow@outlook.com",
                "recipientId": "2",
                "roleName": "Uber CEO"
          "sequence": "2",
          "recipients": {
            "signers": [
                "name": "Joe Blow",
                "email": "JoeBloww@outlook.com",
                "recipientId": "2",
                "roleName": "Uber CEO"
                "name": "Kathy Blow",
                "email": "KathyBlow@outlook.com",
                "recipientId": "1",
                "roleName": "CEO"
  "status": "sent",
  "emailSubject": "Please Sign the enclosed docs at your earliest convenience"
400 BadRequest
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-DocuSign-TraceToken: cb23f0ed-6be2-4189-9237-5575671f8f4b

  "message": "The DocumentId specified in the tab element does not refer to a document in this envelope. Tab refers to DocumentId 15100956 which is not present."

Like I said, I used the 2 templates standalone and they went out fine. Any ideas?


I found the answer right here in a StackOverflow answer:

In the request JSON you posted, you're specifying "documents" (plural) as a collection/array of document objects -- which isn't correct. Each Composite Template item within the compositeTemplates array can only contain, at most, a single document.