I'm implementing an application using the full MEAN stack. I created a login page to signup with facebook to be able to show a profile page. But I discovered some problems. For this reason, I created a smaller version of my webapp, maintaining the same project structure. The complete code, executable (only replacing "client id" and "secret") with "npm install" and after "nodemon" is available here: https://github.com/Ks89/MEAN-OAuth_Example
If I'll call (with a browser) the rest API that I created to login with facebook at "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/facebook", everything will be ok! But if I'll want to do the same thing, clicking on the "Login" button, I'll receive the error as in figure:
I know that the problem is related to CORS, but how can I'll fix this in my application, maintaining the same project structure? I don't want to put the "rest path" inside the HTML. I tried for many days different solutions without success.
If you want, experiment directly on my application that I created exactly to write this question ;).
If really necessary, I'll able to post the entire source code here, but I prefer an organized and executable code into a repository for this particular question.
Please, give me some ideas and hopefully a solution, because I'm really blocked.