Alright, so I deleted AJAX toolkit v1.0 from the GAC even though I had only installed .net framework 4 (you would think .net framework 4 would come with ajax toolkit v4). I deleted it because I thought then I would be able to use gacutil to insert to assembly the v4 AjaxControlToolkit.dll I have.
However, in Windows 7, it's not allowing me to do that.
Now I lost my ajax toolkit install. Though I can reinstall the old version v1, from msi.
And I have a reference in my web.config that is throwing errors:
<add assembly="AjaxControlToolkit, Version=4.1.40412.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28F01B0E84B6D53E" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagPrefix="ajaxToolkit"/>
I need to use the ajaxToolkit tags so I need the tagprefix. But I don't have an assembly, and for hours I tried, and it refuses to add to assembly.
So I have to just include it in the project bin as a dll. Well now it conflicts with the web.config.
What am I suppose to do?