In C, double has more precision than float, and according to "C primerplus sixth edition" book (page 80), a float can represent at least 6 significant figures and a double can represent at least 13 significant figures. So I tried to verify that with this simple example:
int main(void){
float a = 3.3333333; // 7 significant digits
double b = 3.33333333333333;// 14 significant digits
printf("\nFloat: %f\n", a);
printf("Double: %f\n", b);
return 0;
And this is the output of this program:
Float : 3.333333
Double: 3.333333
Why does the double value have the same precision as the float value, instead of displaying more significant digits?
Most questions like this can be answered by consulting the C standard:
Each conversion specification is introduced by the '%' character ... after which the following appear in sequence:
- An optional precision that gives ... the number of digits to appear after the radix character for the a, A, e, E, f, and F conversion specifiers.
Describing the f
The double argument shall be converted to decimal notation in the style "[-]ddd.ddd", where the number of digits after the radix character is equal to the precision specification. If the precision is missing, it shall be taken as 6.
So, by simply using %f
, you are instructing printf
to print six digits after the .
. If you want to see more digits, you need to specify the precision: %.15f
, for example.
You need to show more significant digits. If you do this:
printf("\nFloat: %.20f\n", a);
printf("Double: %.20f\n", b);
You'll get this:
Float: 3.33333325386047363281
Double: 3.33333333333332992865