I have my UIImageView in the view which will download image from server and after downloading finish then my UIImageView height will be adjusted according to height of image but the problem is it is working perfectly in iOS8 but not in iOS7. In iOS7, the height is scaled to much more than I tried to set. I am setting autolayout via IB
Here is the excerpt from my code (default is 250)
if(image.size.height<250) headerView.itemImageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
adjustedHeight = image.size.height*320.0f/image.size.width;
imageHeight = adjustedHeight;
[headerView.heightContraintLayout setConstant:adjustedHeight];
[headerView.itemImageView layoutIfNeeded];
//after this line of code, I check the size of itemImageView is extended more than the adjestedHeight that I set in the previous line ( this only happened in iOS7 not iOS8