Using LIKE operator for array of objects inside js

2019-09-11 14:26发布


Is it possible to use LIKE operator for single key/value inside array of objects for jsonb field in PostgreSQL 9.4? For example I have:

 id |                  body                                                              
  1 | {"products": [{"name": "qwe", "description": "asd"}, {"name": "zxc", "description": "vbn"}]}

I know, I can get a product with something like this:

select * from table where 'body'->'products' @> '[{"name": "qwe"}]'::jsonb

The question is: can I get this product if I don't know full name of it?


Try to get the key and value by using jsonb_each() function:

WITH json_test(data) AS ( VALUES
  ('{"products": [{"name": "qwe", "description": "asd"}, {"name": "zxc", "description": "vbn"}]}'::JSONB)
SELECT doc.key,doc.value
FROM json_test jt,
  jsonb_array_elements(>'products') array_elements,
  jsonb_each(array_elements) doc
  doc.key = 'name'
  doc.value::TEXT LIKE '%w%';

Output will be the following:

 key  | value 
 name | "qwe"
(1 row)