Ldap error code 32 while adding user to ldap

2019-09-11 11:31发布


I need to add a new user entry to my ldap. Following is my code:

     javax.naming.Name name = new DistinguishedName("cn=" + userName +",ou=Users,dc=wso2,dc=org");

     Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute("objectClass");
        Attributes userAttributes = new BasicAttributes();
        userAttributes.put("cn", userName);
        userAttributes.put("sn", "abctest");
        userAttributes.put(ATTRIBUTE_USER_PASSWORD, password);
        LdapTemplate ldapTemplate = (LdapTemplate) SpringBeanFactory
        ldapTemplate.bind(name, null, userAttributes);

Although when this piece of code is executed I get the following exception:

 org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object];       
 nested exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: 
 [LDAP: error code 32 -      No Such Object]; remaining name 'cn=myname,ou=Users,dc=wso2,dc=org'

I am following the example specified at http://kaustuvmaji.blogspot.in/2014/12/simple-example-of-spring-ldap.html for the code. Can someone help me in understanding the root cause for this error or the right code.


The problem here is that the path ou=Users,dc=wso2,dc=org doesn't exist in your LDAP tree, so you cannot create a child at that path.

If you specified a base path for your ContextSource that should be omitted from all DNs in code, as all paths will be relative to the specified base.