I'm trying to get the content "My home address" using the following but got the AttributeError:
address = soup.find(text="Address:")
print address.nextSibling
This is my HTML:
<td>My home address</td>
What is a good way to navigate down td
tag and pull the content?
The problem is that you have found a NavigableString
, not the <td>
. Also nextSibling
will find the next NavigableString
or Tag
so even if you had the <td>
it wouldn't work the way you expect.
This is what you want:
address = soup.find(text="Address:")
b_tag = address.parent
td_tag = b_tag.parent
next_td_tag = td_tag.findNext('td')
print next_td_tag.contents[0]
Or more concise:
print soup.find(text="Address:").parent.parent.findNext('td').contents[0]
Actually you could just do
print soup.find(text="Address:").findNext('td').contents[0]
Since findNext
just calls next
over and over again, and next
finds the next element as parsed repeatedly until it matches.
Try this if you use bs4:
print soup.find(string="Address:").find_next('td').contents[0]
You can use findChildren
pretty easily to iterate over the td's in a table, assuming it's in a table. You could find the table first, ideally:
table = soup.find('table')
>>> for td in table.findChildren('td'):
...: print td.text
My home address
Or you could search for address, and get the table container:
>>> import re
>>> search = re.compile('Address')
>>> table = soup.find(text=search).parent.parent.parent