Automation Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 using Pyth

2019-09-11 06:08发布


I am creating Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Automation tool using python. The problem is I can't select the Child_tree(Northwind) database It's selecting the Parent_tree(Databases). I need to do much more, clicking the child_tree(Northwind) right click option (Ex. Tasks-> backup). Help me to do the best automation code. Thanks in Advance.

import pywinauto
import socket
import binascii
host = socket.gethostname()   #Getting system host name
n2 = int('0b111000001100001011100110111001101110111011011110111001001100100', 2) #password
n1 = int('0b111010101110011011001010111001001101110011000010110110101100101', 2) # username
n  = int('0b1110011011001010111001001110110011001010111001001101110011000010110110101100101', 2) #servername av
if (host == "systemhostXXX" or host == "systemhostyyy"): # checking the host name 
        pwa_app = pywinauto.application.Application()
        path = pwa_app.start_(r"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/100/Tools/Binn/VSShell/Common7/IDE/Ssms.exe") #Opening the .exe file
print("Status: Application Launched successfully!!") except: print("Error: Applicatin Launching Error!!") try:

pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.ComboBox1.Select("Database Engine") #Selecting the combobox value pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.edit1.SetText(binascii.unhexlify('%x' % n)) pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.ComboBox3.Select("SQL Server Authentication") pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.edit2.SetText(binascii.unhexlify('%x' % n1)) # convert binary into string pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.edit3.SetText(binascii.unhexlify('%x' % n2)) print("Status: Log-in Process!!") pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.Connect.Click() except: print("Error: Log-In Failed!!Please Relaunch!") try: pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.Ok.Click() #Button click (OK) pwa_app.ConnecttoServer.Cancel.Click() print("Error: Restoration going-on!!") except: print("Status: Log-in Success!!") try: w_handle = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio', class_name='wndclass_desked_gsk')[0] window = pwa_app.window_(handle=w_handle) ctrl = window['TreeView'] ctrl.GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039']).Click() ctrl.GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039', u'Databases', u'Northwind']).Click() #Selecting the database except: print("Database selection failed !!")

else: print 'Dear', host,'You are not Authorized to Run this program\n'


As I could understand in comments, you need waiting until main window is open after login.

window = pwa_app.Window_(title=u'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio', class_name='wndclass_desked_gsk')
window.Wait('ready', timeout=20) # default timeout is 5 sec. if any
ctrl = window['TreeView']
ctrl.GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039']).Click() 
ctrl.GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039', u'Databases', u'Northwind']).Click() #Selecting the database

Please check how it works.


It seems you generated the code for 'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio' window using SWAPY. It means that the window was already open.

But in automated workflow Log-in is quite long operation (may take up to 10 seconds I believe). So when you clicked "Connect" button, 'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio' is not open yet. You may see some progress window or even nothing for a few seconds.

Function find_windows doesn't wait while the window appears on the screen. It just finds the window at that moment. So when you execute line

window = pwa_app.Window_(title=u'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio', class_name='wndclass_desked_gsk')

WindowSpecification object is created (window variable). ctrl = window['TreeView'] is also WindowSpecification object. They are just descriptions and are not connected with real window/control. But the following statement

ctrl.GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039']).Click()

is equivalent to

ctrl.WrapperObject().GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039']).Click() 


ctrl.Wait('visible').GetItem([u'SQL Server 8.0.2039']).Click()

pywinauto hides WrapperObject() call using power of Python. So it's called automatically. Default timeout is 5 seconds in this case. It might be insufficient for long time operations like Log-in. That's why I suggest calling Wait('ready', timeout=20) explicitly. 'ready' means 'exists visible enabled' using logical AND.