At my work we have a very tedious process where we have to pull information from a web database and enter into a word document. Right now, we have no way to query the database and must look up each individual record at a time with many clicks to navigate the web form (there can be over a 100 to look up). I am writing a vbscript to click through the webpages to get the information I need, but am stuck on certain part.
I have the following code to get to the page I need, but when I reach this page, there is only links to click and I cannot understand how to programmatically "click the link" through the vbscript, since, from what I can see, the link calls embedded javascript functions within the website.
Dim objWshShell,IE
Set objWshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objWshShell.AppActivate IE
With IE
'set browser to view
.Visible = True
'goes straight to needed screen
.Navigate "https://test/Default.aspx"
'Wait for Browser
Do While .Busy or .ReadyState <> 4: WScript.Sleep 100: Loop
Dim oDoc
Set oDoc = .Document
With oDoc
'pass through first screen
'*** this screen has links too, but there is also an input box that you can use, so it's easy to get through
.getElementsByName("in_2515_60").Item(0).Value = 5
'page down on next screen
For each item in .Forms(0)
If Instr(1,, "[pagedn]") Then
Exit For
End If
Here is where I am stuck in "clicking the link" or "submitting the form"
For reference, the HTML behind the link is the following:
<td style="color: black; line-height: 20px; font-weight: bold;">
<INPUT type=hidden name=in_1191_1>
<a class="HATSLINK" style="color: black; line-height: 20px; font-weight: bold;" href="javascript:setCursorPosition(1191, 'HATSForm');checkInput2('in_1191_1', '1','hidden');ms('[enter]', 'HATSForm')">
From this, I see that when you click the link, it calls 3 javascript functions to set the cursor position on the form, to click the appropriate checkbox and then submit the form, all to take you to the next screen.
I am able to set the cursor position:
.getElementsByName("CURSORPOSITION").Item(0).value = 1191
and mark the appropriate checkbox
For each item in .Forms(0)
If Instr(1,, "in_1191_1") Then
item.checked = TRUE
Exit For
End If
But I cannot get the form to submit to take me to the next page. I have tried all the following (and more):
For each item in .Forms(0)
If Instr(1,, "[enter]") Then 'click the Enter (or OK) button
objWshShell.SendKeys "{enter}" 'this is a mess and just produces copies of the IE page until I stop it manually
.Forms(0).Submit 'does nothing
Can anyone assist me in how to pull this off or what I am missing?
I am pretty much a baby at this type of stuff, so I realize I may need more education on the topic. If there is a better way to go, I am happy to know about it. In that regard, I am using vbscript, because the data I need to use to search comes out of an Access database and I will eventually loop through the list with VBA to complete the actions on the web that I need.