Following up from my previous question, here, I am trying to get 'spec' files registered by Atom, which I have succeeded in, however now, no matter how many describe
and it
's I do, it doesn't do anything when I test it.
I use the command, apm test
, and all I get is:
[655:0527/] locale_file_path.empty() for locale English
[655:0527/] read: expected 40, observed 0
[659:0527/] locale_file_path.empty() for locale English
[655:0527/083828:INFO:CONSOLE(52)] "Window load time: 2420ms", source: file:///Applications/ (52)
Finished in 0.023 seconds
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped
Tests passed
Judging by the spec file (which is definitely being registered, as it complains when it doesn't exist), I should have 3 tests run.
My spec file is as follows... (Syntax Highlighter package)
describe "Jazz grammar", ->
grammar = null
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
grammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName("source.jazz")
it "parses the grammar", ->
expect(grammar.scopeName).toBe "source.jazz"
it "tokenises keywords", ->
tokens = grammar.tokenizeLines('func')
expect(tokens[0][0].value).toBe 'func'
expect(tokens[0][0].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'storage.type.jazz']
it "tokenizes comments inside function parameters", ->
tokens = grammar.tokenizeLines('module test(arg1, ;; arg2)')
expect(tokens[0][0].value).toBe 'module'
expect(tokens[0][0].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'storage.type.jazz']
expect(tokens[0][1].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'comment.line.jazz']
My file structure is as follows:
- language-jazz
- grammars
- snippets
- spec
- Other GitHub and Travis CI stuff.
- grammars