I have a website that provides transportation services, not products (with this I mean that we don't sell widgets of this brand, this other model...; we just provide one kind of transportation service). I'm a bit unclear about how should I add schema.org microdata to my site, so I basically looked at what Ryanair was doing (since our product most resembles theirs) and copied their markup (changing it to our company's name, obviously). Their markup is as such:
<meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
<meta content="#22356b" name="theme-color"/>
<meta content="Book Cheap Flights direct at the official Ryanair website for Europe's lowest fares. Fully allocated seating and much more now available online" name="description"/>
<meta content="summary" name="twitter:card"/>
<meta content="@ryanair" name="twitter:site"/>
<meta content="Cheap Flights | Cheap Flights to Europe | Ryanair" name="twitter:title"/>
<meta content="Book Cheap Flights direct at the official Ryanair website for Europe's lowest fares. Fully allocated seating and much more now available online" name="twitter:description"/><meta content="@ryanair" name="twitter:creator"/>
<meta content="/static/images/seo/seo-logo-200.png" name="twitter:image:src"/>
<meta content="https://www.ryanair.com" name="twitter:domain"/>
<meta itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" itemscope="itemscope"/>
<meta content="Cheap Flights | Cheap Flights to Europe | Ryanair" property="og:title"/>
<meta content="Cheap Flights | Cheap Flights to Europe | Ryanair" itemprop="headline"/>
<meta content="Book Cheap Flights direct at the official Ryanair website for Europe's lowest fares. Fully allocated seating and much more now available online" property="og:description"/>
<meta content="Book Cheap Flights direct at the official Ryanair website for Europe's lowest fares. Fully allocated seating and much more now available online" itemprop="description"/>
<meta content="http://www.ryanair.com/en/" property="og:url"/>
<meta content="/static/images/seo/seo-logo-200.png" property="og:image"/>
<meta content="/static/images/seo/seo-logo-200.png" itemprop="image"/>
<meta content="article" property="og:type"/>
<meta content="Ryanair" property="og:site_name"/>
<meta content="" property="fb:admins"/><link href="https://plus.google.com/" rel="publisher"/>
<meta content="INDEX,FOLLOW" name="robots"/>
<meta content="NOYDIR" name="Slurp"/>
<meta content="NOODP" name="Robots"/>
<meta content="Copyright Ryanair.com 2014" name="dcterms.rightsHolder"/>
And yet, Google Webmaster Tools shows me an error in the following line:
<meta itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" itemscope="itemscope" />
Saying that it needs a "name" property.
How should I add this? All the examples I've looked at are for situations where you have multiple products and need to mark up each one of them. Also, all the examples I've seen are for adding markup in the webpage's body, not in the header. Which one is correct?