I've been trying to make the following class applies on the select/dropdown, but I couldn't!
= f.select attr, [1,2,3], class: 'form-control', include_blank: true
I tried to read the rails code, here and here.
it's like it is not implemented ?
but it works for text fields:
= f.search_field attr, options.merge(class: 'form-control')
I'm using slim and simple_form
takes 2 hash options, first for 'select options' and another for 'html'.
Try following:
= f.select(attr, [1,2,3], { include_blank: true }, { class: 'form-control' })
In this way you can add class and Inline CSS to select tag
<%= select_tag :db_field, options_for_select(@users.select([:email, 'users.id']).map{|user| [user.email, user.id]}), class: 'class_name_1 class_name_2', style: "min-width: 100px;" %>