I'm plotting something with matplotlib and it looks like this:
I can't seem to figure out why the x-axis is offset like it is...It looks like it's saying, 'whatever you read from me, add 2.398e9 to it for the actual x value'.
This is not quite what I want...Can I make it take only the first 4 digits, instead?
This is representing frequency, so I'd like to see something that reads:
2000 or 2400 or 2800....I can add the 'MHz' part in the axis title...But, this is unreadable at a glance.
Is this doing this because it's trying to make decisions on how to truncate long data?
Here's the code for the plotting:
plt.title(file_name +' at frequency '+ freq + 'MHz')
plt.ylabel('Conducted Power (dBm)')
print('plot written!')