I am trying to do a code which replace only whole word in string variable.First of all I found re.sub
solution but there was no mentioned about variable inside.
Now my solution looks (it does not replace whole word):
for index in (range(len(lista)):
As on example above, I want to replace value in lista[index]
with value from VAR -> variable
Example query:
Select Information,AdditionalInformation,Price from Table
example lista vales:
Information, Price
example var:
var = "hide"
Finally query should looks:
Select hide,AdditionalInformation,hide from Table
I think this should work:
for word in alist:
query = re.sub(r'\b'+word+r'\b',var,query)
You can compile a regex that matches any of the words in lista
import re
query = "Select Information,AdditionalInformation,Price from Table"
lista = ["Information", "Price"]
var = "hide"
pat = re.compile(r'\b' + '|'.join(lista) + r'\b')
query = pat.sub(var, query)
Select hide,AdditionalInformation,hide from Table
The \b
is used to match word boundaries; this prevents "AdditionalInformation" from being modified. See Regular Expression Syntax in the docs. We need to write it as a raw string, r'\b'
, otherwise it gets interpreted as the ANSI escape code for backspace.
I want to replace value in lista[index] with value from VAR ->
From this, I think you're looking for something along these lines:
for index in (range(len(lista))):
lista[index] = var
This changes all the items in the list to var
If you don't want all items in the list to be replaced, you would need to make a decision to replace the correct item, and so maybe (if you already know the position of the item in the list that needs replacing):
lista[index] = var
As kaasias wrote, just change the the elements of the list with this code:
for index in (range(len(lista))):
lista[index] = var
and make sure you create your query with the new elements of the list.
query = "SELECT " + lista[0] + ", " + AdditionalInformation + ", " lista[1] + " FROM " + table