I have a function that loads a vector source from a local geojson file.
Problem is, I need it to be remote for one of the layers, yet the features never show despite loading the source properly and the console.logs showing me it did indeed fetch them...plus a weird thing happens if I omit the line: "this.layerSwitcherGroup.getLayers().push(this.pointsLayer);" from the code. When that line is commented, the loader never runs (no console.logs appear from inside it).
Note: I am editing the crs only temporarily until the file in the server has the crs updated to a non-legacy one. I did the same when I tested the geojson file from the server with local function by downloading it and editing the crs part. Local function worked, but remote doesn't.
addPoints: function() {
this.pointsLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
* The function is responsible for loading the features and adding them to the source.
* ol.source.Vector sources use a function of this type to load features.
* @param extent - the area to be loaded
* @param resolution - the resolution (map units per pixel)
* @param projection - ol.proj.Projection for the projection as arguments
* this (keyword): within the function is bound to the ol.source.Vector it's called from.
loader: function(extent, resolution, projection) {
console.log('vector Loader...');
var url = //can't show the url here;
url: url,
context: this,
success: function(json) {
console.log('Data: ', json);
json.data.crs = {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
console.log('changed CRS: ', json);
var features = new ol.format.GeoJSON().readFeatures(json.data);
console.log('this inside loader: ', this);
style: this.defaultPointStyleFunction
this.pointsLayer.getSource().once("change", function(evt) {
console.log('pointsLayer once');
//console.log('pointsLayer changed: ', this.pointsLayer);
//console.log('pointsLayer source: ', this.pointsLayer.getSource());
console.log('pointsLayer features: ', this.pointsLayer.getSource().getFeatures());
//console.log('current layerSwitcherGroup layers: ', this.layerSwitcherGroup.getLayers());
}, this);
this.currPointId = null;
Every function that is listed above works with local mode, so I'm not quite sure what am I doing wrong with the remote loader...