This should be a pretty normal task , and yet i am missing something .
I am trying to integrate with Polymer [ using the chat application ] - Deciding to change the MessageList and the individual messageItem as Polymer components . SocketIo exposes a customEvent to be thrown from server , which sends the message as data , which then is being assigned to a property on the custom element .
This is the MessageList element .
<link rel="import" href="/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="message.html">
<dom-module id='message-list'>
<ul id="messages">
<template is='dom-repeat' items="{{messageList}}" is="auto-binding">
<message-item message = "{{item}}"></message-item>
var messageListElement = Polymer({
is : 'message-list',
properties : {
messageList : {
type : Array,
observer: '_messageListChanged',
reflect : true ,
value : function() {
return [{'inputMessage' : 'Welcome to the Chat' ,
'nickName' : 'System' , 'msgTime' : new Date()}]
//, notify : true
_messageListChanged: function(newValue , oldValue) {
console.log("Data changed");
created : function() {
console.log("messagelist created");
ready : function() {
console.log("messagelist ready");
attributeChanged : function() {
console.log("messagelist attributeChanged");
On the index.html Page -
var self = this;
socket.on('chatMessage' , function(msg) {
document.querySelector('message-list').messageList = self.messages;
With all of this.. Anytime a client sends a message , the self.messages - posts the total set of messages , but the "_messageListChanged" of the custom elements gets called only the first time .
There are similar questions - Updating a polymer element property with data from API call
However assigning the data , works only for the first time . Also i would like to be able to do it without using ajax-iron and stuff .