I'm trying to find the mapped network printers of the signed in user. I found this script here: GetMappedNetworkPrinters, but it is from a few years ago and there isn't a comment section so I'm not sure where to ask questions about the issues...
When I run this script I run into WMI errors on some machines, but the confusing part is for the computers that it does bring information back for I get the notice that there are no mapped printers...
Any idea how to adjust the script so that it might work correctly?
Script Name: GetMappedNetworkPrinters.ps1
This script can be used to collect the mapped network printer information from the users who are logged into the console of the Computer or Computers specified.
Required Modules:
PSRemoteRegistry, and Active Directory
Permission Requirements:
The user account that the script is run with needs to have administrative permissions on the workstations and permission to query Active Directory user accounts.
The computers firewall if enabled needs to allow it to be pinged, connections to WMI and also Remote Registry.
A user will need to be logged into the console so their mapped network printer information can be collected.
How the script functions:
Create a text file that contains a list of Computer names that you want to get the mapped network printers info for.
Execute the script and you will be prompted for the path to the text file that contains the list.
Connectivity will be verified to each of the computers by pinging each of them.
Via WMI it will check to see which user is logged into the computers that responded to the ping.
Next it will query Active Directory for the SID of each of the users that were currently logged into one of the active computers polled.
Using the users SID a Remote Registry query is created to enumerate the list of mapped network printers for the logged on user.
The Log files and CSV file containing the list of mapped printers is located in C:\temp\logs
MappedPrinters-(currentdate).csv -- Contains the list of mapped printers.
NoMappedPrinters-(currentdate).log -- Contains list of users that do not have network printers mapped on their computer.
NoReply-(currentdate).csv -- Contains list of computers that did not respond to ping.
NoUsrLoggedIn-(currentdate).log -- Contains list of computers that responded to ping but did not have a user logged into it.
RemoteRegNotRunning-(currentdate).log -- Contains a list of computers where the Remote Registry service is not running.
WmiError-(currentdate).log -- If there are computers that it is not able to connect to via wmi it will be listed here.
function global:Ping-Host {
$results = gwmi -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '$_'"
$obj2 = New-Object psobject
$obj2 | Add-Member Noteproperty Computer $_
$obj2 | Add-Member Noteproperty IPAddress ($results.protocoladdress)
if ($results.statuscode -eq 0) {
$obj2 | Add-Member NoteProperty Responding $True
} else {
$obj2 | Add-Member NoteProperty Responding $False
Write-Output $obj2
END {}
function VerifyConnectivity {
param (
$modeMSG = "Verifying Connectivity to Desktops"
$HostComputer = @()
$d = Get-Date
$strDate = $d.ToString()
$month = $d.Month
$day = $d.Day
$year = $d.Year
$cDate = "$month-$day-$year"
$logFilePath = "C:\temp\logs\"
$NoReplyLog = $logFilePath + "NoReply-" + $cDate + ".csv"
$i = 1
$numComp = $compList.Count
If ($numComp -ge 1){
Talk $modeMSG
$HostComputer = $HostComputer + $(
foreach ($computer in $compList){
Write-Progress -Activity $modeMSG -Status "Currently Processing: $computer" -CurrentOperation "$i of $numComp" -PercentComplete ($i/$numComp*100)
$computer | Ping-Host
$i = $i + 1
ElseIf ($numComp -lt 1){
Write-Host "No Computers to Process"
$Alive = $HostComputer | Where {$_.Responding -eq "$true"}
$global:Dead = $HostComputer | Where {$_.Responding -ne "$true"}
$global:Dead | select Computer | Export-Csv -Path $NoReplyLog
$Acomp = $Alive | select Computer
function GetPrinterInfo {
param (
$d = Get-Date
$strDate = $d.ToString()
$month = $d.Month
$day = $d.Day
$year = $d.Year
$cDate = "$month-$day-$year"
$global:logFilePath = "C:\temp\logs\"
$NoPrtMapLog = $logFilePath + "NoMappedPrinters-" + $cDate + ".log"
$WmiErrorLog = $logFilePath + "WmiError-" + $cDate + ".log"
$MappedPrinters = $logFilePath + "MappedPrinters-" + $cDate + ".csv"
$NoUsrLoggedIn = $logFilePath + "NoUsrLoggedIn-" + $cDate + ".log"
$RemoteRegNotRunning = $logFilePath + "RemoteRegNotRunning-" + $cDate + ".log"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Import-Module activedirectory
Import-Module psremoteregistry
$global:wmiErrors = @()
$global:NoUserLoggedIn = @()
$CompUserInfo = @()
$arrCompLogonInfo = @()
$arrRemoteRegSvcStopped = @()
$arrNoMappedPrinters = @()
$arrMappedPrinters = @()
$statusMSG = "Getting Logged on User Information"
$statusMSG2 = "Getting User SID from Active Directory"
$statusMSG3 = "Collecting Mapped Printer Information"
$u = 1
$Responded = VerifyConnectivity $compList
if ($Responded.count -gt 0){
Talk $statusMSG
foreach ($client in $Responded){
[string]$c = $client.Computer
$numClient = $Responded.Count
$logonInfo = $null
Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG -Status "Currently Processing: $c" -CurrentOperation "$u of $numClient" -PercentComplete ($u/$numClient*100)
$logonInfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $c -Query "select * from win32_computersystem" | select Username
if ($?){
if ($logonInfo.Username -ne $null){
[string]$strUserName = $logonInfo.Username
$arrStrUserName = $strUserName.Split("\")
$strUser = $arrStrUserName[1]
$objCUinfo = New-Object psobject
$objCUinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Workstation $c
$objCUinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty User $strUser
$CompUserInfo = $CompUserInfo + $objCUinfo
elseif ($logonInfo.Username -eq $null){
$global:NoUserLoggedIn = $global:NoUserLoggedIn + $c
else {
$global:wmiErrors = $global:wmiErrors + "Could not Execute WMI Query to collect user logon information on $c"
$u = $u + 1
if ($CompUserInfo.Count -ge 1){
$u = 1
Talk $statusMSG2
foreach ($logon in $CompUserInfo){
[string]$userLN = $logon.User
$userCount = $CompUserInfo.count
[string]$wrksta = $logon.Workstation
Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG2 -Status "Currently Processing: $userLN" -CurrentOperation "$u of $userCount" -PercentComplete ($u/$userCount*100)
$getSID = Get-ADUser -Identity $userLN | select SID
if ($?){
[string]$sid = $getSID.sid
$LoggedOnUserInfo = New-Object psobject
$LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty Workstation $wrksta
$LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty User $userLN
$LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty SID $sid
$arrCompLogonInfo = $arrCompLogonInfo + $LoggedOnUserInfo
$u = $u + 1
if ($arrCompLogonInfo.count -ge 1){
$u = 1
Talk $statusMSG3
foreach ($comp in $arrCompLogonInfo){
$numT = $arrCompLogonInfo.Count
$Printers = $null
[string]$cn = $comp.Workstation
[string]$usid = $comp.sid
[string]$uName = $comp.User
Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG3 -Status "Currently Processing: $cn" -CurrentOperation "$u of $numT" -PercentComplete ($u/$userCount*100)
$regStat = Get-Service -ComputerName $cn -Name "RemoteRegistry"
If ($?){
If ($regStat.Status -eq "Running"){
$Printers = Get-RegKey -ComputerName $cn -Hive "Users" -Key "$usid\Printers\Connections" -Recurse
If ($Printers -ne $null){
foreach ($printer in $Printers){
[string]$printerKey = $printer.key
$arrPrinterKey = $printerKey.Split("\")
$PrinterNamePiece = $arrPrinterKey[3]
$arrPrinterParts = $PrinterNamePiece.Split(",")
$printServer = $arrPrinterParts[2]
$PrinterName = $arrPrinterParts[3]
$PrinterUnc = "\\$printServer\$PrinterName"
$printInfo = New-Object psobject
$printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Workstation $cn
$printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty User $uName
$printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrintServer $printServer
$printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrinterName $PrinterName
$printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrinterUNC $PrinterUnc
$arrMappedPrinters = $arrMappedPrinters + $printInfo
ElseIf ($Printers -eq $null){
$arrNoMappedPrinters = $arrNoMappedPrinters + "$uName has no mapped printers on $cn"
ElseIf ($regStat.Status -eq "Stopped"){
$arrRemoteRegSvcStopped = $arrRemoteRegSvcStopped + $cn
$u = $u + 1
$arrMappedPrinters | Export-Csv -Path $MappedPrinters
Add-Content $NoPrtMapLog $arrNoMappedPrinters
Add-Content $WmiErrorLog $wmiErrors
Add-Content $NoUsrLoggedIn $global:NoUserLoggedIn
Add-Content $RemoteRegNotRunning $arrRemoteRegSvcStopped
function Talk {
param (
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech
$synthesizer = New-Object -TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$getPath = $(Read-Host "Enter path to the text file that contains the list of Computer Names`n")
if ($getPath -like "*.txt"){
$valid = Test-Path -Path $getPath
if ($valid -eq $true){
$compList = get-content -Path $getPath
GetPrinterInfo $compList
Write-Host "The Script Output is located in $logfilepath"
Else {
Write-Host "Path to file is not valid" -ForegroundColor Red
Elseif ($getPath -notlike "*.txt"){
Write-Host "Path to file is not valid"