Not a Valid Choice for Dynamic Select Field WTFORM

2019-01-16 18:29发布


I currently am creating a dynamic select field using WTFORMS, however it never submits and fails the validation with the following error.

Not a valid choice

My Field is created like this:

area = SelectField()

and in the view, i am grabbing the options from the db like so:

form = MytestForm()
form.area.choices = [(, for a in Area.objects.all()]

It works however if i create static options.


My guess is that is a int - when data comes back from the client it is treated as a string by WTForms unless a callable is passed to the coerce keyword argument of the wtforms.fields.SelectField constructor:

area = SelectField(coerce=int)

Alternately, if you are using SQLAlchemy you could use wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.fields.QuerySelectField (wtforms_sqlalchemy if you are using WTForms 3+):

area = QuerySelectField(query_factory=Area.objects.all,
                            get_pk=lambda a:,
                            get_label=lambda a:


Here is how you can solve it without QuerySelectField.

Here is how I did:

years = [(str(y), y) for y in reversed(range(1950, 2013))]
years.insert(0, ('','year'))
year = wt.SelectField(choices=years)