I am new to this linkedin api. I have made a small example which is working when I am using the keyword search by using the following url:
https://api.linkedin.com/v1/company-search:(companies:(id,name,universal-name,website-url,industries,status,logo-url,blog-rss-url,twitter-id,employee-count-range,specialties,locations,description,stock-exchange,founded-year,end-year,num-followers))?keywords={IBM}&oauth2_access_token=<access Token>
But when I am searching any company info by using the email-domain search then it is giving me 403 error:
<message>Member 385883298 does not have permission to get company 66028</message>
I am using the following url for this:
https://api.linkedin.com/v1/company-search:(companies:(id,name,universal-name,website-url,industries,status,logo-url,blog-rss-url,twitter-id,employee-count-range,specialties,locations,description,stock-exchange,founded-year,end-year,num-followers))?email-domain=ibm.com&oauth2_access_token=<acess Token>
So as you have posted your answer which is related to this problem I guess you are saying that I have to be the administrator for the company page for which I am searching. As like in my above url i.e. email-domain=ibm.com
. If I am wrong or not getting the things, please guide me.