I am learning assembly on Linux (NASM) x64 machine (I don't have access to 32 or 16 bit machine), and I am trying to display number on screen (reverse of number according to code but that's a start).
Number is predefined in section .data -> num.
I am quite a newbie at assembly programming and due to the lack of material on x64 assembly (really, cant find much, and all I was able to find was quite confusing) I am unable to resolve the issue.
The issue is that the code compiles an links with no errors/warnings, but it just displays some spaces (not even newline). If I remove the call _newl code from _disprem, those spaces are also gone. There is not even segment fault or something.
By the way, algorithm to get the remainder (to get the digits in a number) is num - (num / 10) * 10
section .data
num: dq 102 ;my default number to get the reverse of (for now)
nl: db 0x0a
nlsize: equ $-nl
ten: dq 10
section .bss
rem: resq 1
remsize: equ $-rem
section .text
global _start
cmp qword [num], 0
jng _exit ;jump to _exit if num is not greater than 0
mov rax, [num] ;move the number to rax
mov rbx, [num] ;move the number to rbx as well so that i have original number in register to subtract and get the remainder
mov rcx, [ten] ;move 10 to rcx to be the divisor
div rcx ;divide number in rax by 10
mov [num], rax ;get the quotient to get the remaining number for quotient
mul rcx ;multiply number in rax by 10
sub rbx, rax ;subtract rbx - rax and store the value in rax (right?)
mov [rem], rbx ;get the remainder from rax. this must be done right after div (WHY??????????)
call _disprem ;call _disprem to display the remainder... call returns the flow back to the caller right?
jmp _start ;get to the loop again
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, nl
mov rdx, nlsize
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
add qword [rem], 0x0000000000000030 ;since the rem variable is quadword (64 bit)
mov rsi, rem
mov rdx, remsize
sub qword [rem], 0x0000000000000030 ;get me my original number back plz thanks
call _newl