I have a directive that generates a list for me. This directive has methods for pagination. I would like to control this list using keyboard so that when I press left or right the list pages next or previous.
Is there anyway I could do that?
bellow there is my directive code:
app.directive("gridview", function(){
return {
transclude: true,
template:'<div><button ng-disabled="!hasPrevious()" ng-click="onPrev()"> Previous </button><button ng-disabled="!hasNext()" ng-click="onNext()"> Next </button></div><div ng-transclude></div>',
'totalPages' :'&'
link:function($scope, element, attrs){
$scope.size = function(){
return angular.isDefined($scope.data) ? $scope.data.length : 0;
$scope.end = function(){
return $scope.start() + $scope.pageLimit;
$scope.start = function(){
return $scope.currentPage * $scope.pageLimit;
$scope.totalPages = function(){
$scope.totalPages({theTotal : $scope.size});
$scope.page = function(){
return !!$scope.size() ? ( $scope.currentPage + 1 ) : 0;
$scope.hasNext = function(){
return $scope.page() < ( $scope.size() / $scope.pageLimit ) ;
$scope.onNext = function(){
$scope.currentPage = parseInt($scope.currentPage) + 1;
$scope.currentItem = parseInt($scope.currentPage) + 1;
$scope.hasPrevious = function(){
return !!$scope.currentPage;
} ;
$scope.onPrev = function(){