I have been dealing with sending file which is divided into fragments set by user on input. Problem is, I am getting error:
rec_list[fragIndex - 1] = data
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
I am also sending single string messages like in a chat and it works normally. I can't find a bug in my code but maybe you can.
Btw, there are variables which might help with math which doesn't fit probably.
fragSize = 3
fragIndex = 216
fragCount = 215
Problem is, total number of fragments should be 215 (precalculated before sending - IS OK), index
shouldn't be more than count
! That is the problem. And it doesn't happen with strings. Only here with file.
fragSize = int(input('Fragment size: ')) #max size of fragment
while True:
message = input('Enter message: ')
fragIndex=0 #reset fragment indexing
#asking for fragment size
if(message[:3] == '-sf'):
fragSize = int(input('Fragment size: '))
And here is sending function for files:
if (message[:2] == '-f'):
mType = 3
if message.startswith('-f'):
message = message[3:]
file_name = message
contents = f.read()
fragCount = math.ceil(len(contents) / fragSize)
while contents!= '':
data = bytearray()
fragIndex += 1
crc = crc32(data)
header = struct.pack('!hIIII', mType, fragSize, fragIndex, fragCount, crc)
self.sock.sendto(header + bytearray(data), (self.host, self.port))
contents = contents[fragSize:]
while True:
received_chunks = 0
rec_list = []
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(65535)
header = data[:18]
data = data[18:]
(mType, fragSize, fragIndex, fragCount, crc) = struct.unpack('!hIIII', header)
'\nTyp: ' + str(mType) +
'\nFragSize: ' + str(fragSize) +
'\nFragIndex: ' + str(fragIndex) +
'\nFragCount: ' + str(fragCount) +
'\nCRC: ' + str(crc)
if len(rec_list) < fragCount:
need_to_add = fragCount - len(rec_list)
rec_list.extend([''] * need_to_add) # empty list for messages of size fragCount
rec_list[fragIndex - 1] = data
received_chunks += 1
if received_chunks == fragCount:
break # This is where the second while loop ends
This is only if I want to receive message of type file: (because it is divided into more message types)
if mType == 3:
content = b''.join(rec_list)
f = open('filename.py','wb')