Struggling to find the current directory when I create an nw.js executable.
I have created a Mac server application with a mix of html and Javascript and a lot of node.js module usage. I have two xml files that the server accesses and that reside in the same folder as the application.
When I run the application as follows: ./ . and find the current directory as follows: var workingFolder = process.cwd(); then my working folder is the one where the application and xml files reside.
However, if I follow the 'package and distribute' guidelines (create a .nw file, name it app.nw, and put in contents/resources), and then run the .app executable, I get the following as the working folder: /private/var/folders/3x/2hq40kzs59q8gj6yfn4ktj940000gn/T/.io.nwjs.nw.HcwnF2
I assume that the context changed. So I have been looking at alternatives to get the current directory. I tried: var workingFolder = global.__dirname; and got the same result. Then: var workingFolder = process.env.PWD; and got undefined (although this worked for the 'unpackaged' version)
How do I get the current directory?
Any ideas would be much appreciated!