How to clone or copy a list?

2019-09-10 07:39发布


What are the options to clone or copy a list in Python?

While using new_list = my_list, any modifications to new_list changes my_list everytime. Why is this?


With new_list = my_list, you don't actually have two lists. The assignment just copies the reference to the list, not the actual list, so both new_list and my_list refer to the same list after the assignment.

To actually copy the list, you have various possibilities:

  • You can use the builtin list.copy() method (available since Python 3.3):

    new_list = old_list.copy()
  • You can slice it:

    new_list = old_list[:]

    Alex Martelli's opinion (at least back in 2007) about this is, that it is a weird syntax and it does not make sense to use it ever. ;) (In his opinion, the next one is more readable).

  • You can use the built in list() function:

    new_list = list(old_list)
  • You can use generic copy.copy():

    import copy
    new_list = copy.copy(old_list)

    This is a little slower than list() because it has to find out the datatype of old_list first.

  • If the list contains objects and you want to copy them as well, use generic copy.deepcopy():

    import copy
    new_list = copy.deepcopy(old_list)

    Obviously the slowest and most memory-needing method, but sometimes unavoidable.


import copy

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.val)

foo = Foo(1)

a = ['foo', foo]
b = a.copy()
c = a[:]
d = list(a)
e = copy.copy(a)
f = copy.deepcopy(a)

# edit orignal list and instance 
foo.val = 5

print('original: %r\n list.copy(): %r\n slice: %r\n list(): %r\n copy: %r\n deepcopy: %r'
      % (a, b, c, d, e, f))


original: ['foo', 5, 'baz']
list.copy(): ['foo', 5]
slice: ['foo', 5]
list(): ['foo', 5]
copy: ['foo', 5]
deepcopy: ['foo', 1]


Felix already provided an excellent answer, but I thought I'd do a speed comparison of the various methods:

  1. 10.59 sec (105.9us/itn) - copy.deepcopy(old_list)
  2. 10.16 sec (101.6us/itn) - pure python Copy() method copying classes with deepcopy
  3. 1.488 sec (14.88us/itn) - pure python Copy() method not copying classes (only dicts/lists/tuples)
  4. 0.325 sec (3.25us/itn) - for item in old_list: new_list.append(item)
  5. 0.217 sec (2.17us/itn) - [i for i in old_list] (a list comprehension)
  6. 0.186 sec (1.86us/itn) - copy.copy(old_list)
  7. 0.075 sec (0.75us/itn) - list(old_list)
  8. 0.053 sec (0.53us/itn) - new_list = []; new_list.extend(old_list)
  9. 0.039 sec (0.39us/itn) - old_list[:] (list slicing)

So the fastest is list slicing. But be aware that copy.copy(), list[:] and list(list), unlike copy.deepcopy() and the python version don't copy any lists, dictionaries and class instances in the list, so if the originals change, they will change in the copied list too and vice versa.

(Here's the script if anyone's interested or wants to raise any issues:)

from copy import deepcopy

class old_class:
    def __init__(self):
        self.blah = 'blah'

class new_class(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.blah = 'blah'

dignore = {str: None, unicode: None, int: None, type(None): None}

def Copy(obj, use_deepcopy=True):
    t = type(obj)

    if t in (list, tuple):
        if t == tuple:
            # Convert to a list if a tuple to 
            # allow assigning to when copying
            is_tuple = True
            obj = list(obj)
            # Otherwise just do a quick slice copy
            obj = obj[:]
            is_tuple = False

        # Copy each item recursively
        for x in xrange(len(obj)):
            if type(obj[x]) in dignore:
            obj[x] = Copy(obj[x], use_deepcopy)

        if is_tuple: 
            # Convert back into a tuple again
            obj = tuple(obj)

    elif t == dict: 
        # Use the fast shallow dict copy() method and copy any 
        # values which aren't immutable (like lists, dicts etc)
        obj = obj.copy()
        for k in obj:
            if type(obj[k]) in dignore:
            obj[k] = Copy(obj[k], use_deepcopy)

    elif t in dignore: 
        # Numeric or string/unicode? 
        # It's immutable, so ignore it!

    elif use_deepcopy: 
        obj = deepcopy(obj)
    return obj

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import copy
    from time import time

    num_times = 100000
    L = [None, 'blah', 1, 543.4532, 
         ['foo'], ('bar',), {'blah': 'blah'},
         old_class(), new_class()]

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'Custom Copy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        Copy(L, use_deepcopy=False)
    print 'Custom Copy Only Copying Lists/Tuples/Dicts (no classes):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'copy.copy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'copy.deepcopy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'list slicing [:]:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'list(L):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        [i for i in L]
    print 'list expression(L):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
    print 'list extend:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
        for y in L:
    print 'list append:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
        a.extend(i for i in L)
    print 'generator expression extend:', time()-t


I've been told that Python 3.3+ adds list.copy() method, which should be as fast as slicing:

newlist = old_list.copy()


What are the options to clone or copy a list in Python?

In Python 3, a shallow copy can be made with:

a_copy = a_list.copy()

In Python 2 and 3, you can get a shallow copy with a full slice of the original:

a_copy = a_list[:]


There are two semantic ways to copy a list. A shallow copy creates a new list of the same objects, a deep copy creates a new list containing new equivalent objects.

Shallow list copy

A shallow copy only copies the list itself, which is a container of references to the objects in the list. If the objects contained themselves are mutable and one is changed, the change will be reflected in both lists.

There are different ways to do this in Python 2 and 3. The Python 2 ways will also work in Python 3.

Python 2

In Python 2, the idiomatic way of making a shallow copy of a list is with a complete slice of the original:

a_copy = a_list[:]

You can also accomplish the same thing by passing the list through the list constructor,

a_copy = list(a_list)

but using the constructor is less efficient:

>>> timeit
>>> l = range(20)
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: l[:]))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: list(l)))

Python 3

In Python 3, lists get the list.copy method:

a_copy = a_list.copy()

In Python 3.5:

>>> import timeit
>>> l = list(range(20))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: l[:]))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: list(l)))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: l.copy()))

Making another pointer does not make a copy

Using new_list = my_list then modifies new_list every time my_list changes. Why is this?

my_list is just a name that points to the actual list in memory. When you say new_list = my_list you're not making a copy, you're just adding another name that points at that original list in memory. We can have similar issues when we make copies of lists.

>>> l = [[], [], []]
>>> l_copy = l[:]
>>> l_copy
[[], [], []]
>>> l_copy[0].append('foo')
>>> l_copy
[['foo'], [], []]
>>> l
[['foo'], [], []]

The list is just an array of pointers to the contents, so a shallow copy just copies the pointers, and so you have two different lists, but they have the same contents. To make copies of the contents, you need a deep copy.

Deep copies

To make a deep copy of a list, in Python 2 or 3, use deepcopy in the copy module:

import copy
a_deep_copy = copy.deepcopy(a_list)

To demonstrate how this allows us to make new sub-lists:

>>> import copy
>>> l
[['foo'], [], []]
>>> l_deep_copy = copy.deepcopy(l)
>>> l_deep_copy[0].pop()
>>> l_deep_copy
[[], [], []]
>>> l
[['foo'], [], []]

And so we see that the deep copied list is an entirely different list from the original. You could roll your own function - but don't. You're likely to create bugs you otherwise wouldn't have by using the standard library's deepcopy function.

Don't use eval

You may see this used as a way to deepcopy, but don't do it:

problematic_deep_copy = eval(repr(a_list))
  1. It's dangerous, particularly if you're evaluating something from a source you don't trust.
  2. It's not reliable, if a subelement you're copying doesn't have a representation that can be eval'd to reproduce an equivalent element.
  3. It's also less performant.

In 64 bit Python 2.7:

>>> import timeit
>>> import copy
>>> l = range(10)
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: copy.deepcopy(l)))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: eval(repr(l))))

on 64 bit Python 3.5:

>>> import timeit
>>> import copy
>>> l = list(range(10))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: copy.deepcopy(l)))
>>> min(timeit.repeat(lambda: eval(repr(l))))


There are many answers already that tell you how to make a proper copy, but none of them say why your original 'copy' failed.

Python doesn't store values in variables; it binds names to objects. Your original assignment took the object referred to by my_list and bound it to new_list as well. No matter which name you use there is still only one list, so changes made when referring to it as my_list will persist when referring to it as new_list. Each of the other answers to this question give you different ways of creating a new object to bind to new_list.

Each element of a list acts like a name, in that each element binds non-exclusively to an object. A shallow copy creates a new list whose elements bind to the same objects as before.

new_list = list(my_list)  # or my_list[:], but I prefer this syntax
# is simply a shorter way of:
new_list = [element for element in my_list]

To take your list copy one step further, copy each object that your list refers to, and bind those element copies to a new list.

import copy  
# each element must have __copy__ defined for this...
new_list = [copy.copy(element) for element in my_list]

This is not yet a deep copy, because each element of a list may refer to other objects, just like the list is bound to its elements. To recursively copy every element in the list, and then each other object referred to by each element, and so on: perform a deep copy.

import copy
# each element must have __deepcopy__ defined for this...
new_list = copy.deepcopy(my_list)

See the documentation for more information about corner cases in copying.


Use thing[:]

>>> a = [1,2]
>>> b = a[:]
>>> a += [3]
>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
>>> b
[1, 2]


Python's idiom for doing this is newList = oldList[:]


Python 3.6 Timings

Here are the timing results using Python 3.6.8. Keep in mind these times are relative to one another, not absolute.

I stuck to only doing shallow copies, and also added some new methods that weren't possible in Python2, such as list.copy() (the Python3 slice equivalent) and two forms of list unpacking (*new_list, = list and new_list = [*list]):

METHOD                  TIME TAKEN
b = [*a]                2.75180600000021
b = a * 1               3.50215399999990
b = a[:]                3.78278899999986  # Python2 winner (see above)
b = a.copy()            4.20556500000020  # Python3 "slice equivalent" (see above)
b = []; b.extend(a)     4.68069800000012
b = a[0:len(a)]         6.84498999999959
*b, = a                 7.54031799999984
b = list(a)             7.75815899999997
b = [i for i in a]      18.4886440000000
b = copy.copy(a)        18.8254879999999
b = []
for item in a:
  b.append(item)        35.4729199999997

We can see the Python2 winner still does well, but doesn't edge out Python3 list.copy() by much, especially considering the superior readability of the latter.

The dark horse is the unpacking and repacking method (b = [*a]), which is ~25% faster than raw slicing, and more than twice as fast as the other unpacking method (*b, = a).

b = a * 1 also does surprisingly well.

Note that these methods do not output equivalent results for any input other than lists. They all work for sliceable objects, a few work for any iterable, but only copy.copy() works for more general Python objects.

Here is the testing code for interested parties (Template from here):

import timeit

COUNT = 50000000
print("Array duplicating. Tests run", COUNT, "times")
setup = 'a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; import copy'

print("b = list(a)\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = list(a)', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = copy.copy(a)\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = copy.copy(a)', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = a.copy()\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = a.copy()', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = a[:]\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = a[:]', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = a[0:len(a)]\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = a[0:len(a)]', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("*b, = a\t\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='*b, = a', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = []; b.extend(a)\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = []; b.extend(a)', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = []; for item in a: b.append(item)\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = []\nfor item in a:  b.append(item)', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = [i for i in a]\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = [i for i in a]', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = [*a]\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = [*a]', setup=setup, number=COUNT))
print("b = a * 1\t\t", timeit.timeit(stmt='b = a * 1', setup=setup, number=COUNT))


Let's start from the beginning and explorer it a little deep :

So Suppose you have two list :


And we have to copy both list , now starting from the first list:

So first let's try by general method of copy:


Now if you are thinking copy copied the list_1 then you can be wrong, let's check it:

The id() function shows us that both variables point to the same list object, i.e. they share this object.



Surprised ? Ok let's explore it:

So as we know python doesn't store anything in a variable, Variables are just referencing to the object and object store the value. Here object is list but we created two references to that same object by two different variable names. So both variables are pointing to the same object :

so when you do copy=list_1 what actually its doing :

Here in the image list_1 and copy are two variable names but the object is same for both variable which is list

So if you try to modify copied list then it will modify the original list too because the list is only one there, you will modify that list no matter you do from the copied list or from the original list:




['modify', '98']
['modify', '98']

So it modified the original list :

What is the solution then?

Solution :

Now let's move to a second pythonic method of copying list:


Now this method fix the thing what we were facing in first issue let's check it :



So as we can see our both list having different id and it means both variables are pointing to different objects so what actually going on here is :

Now let's try to modify the list and let's see if we still face the previous problem :




['01', '98']
['modify', '98']

So as you can see it is not modifying the original list, it only modified the copied list, So we are ok with it.

So now i think we are done? wait we have to copy the second nested list too so let's try pythonic way :


So list_2 should reference to another object which is copy of list_2 let's check:


we get the output:

4330403592 4330403528

Now we can assume both lists are pointing different object so now let's try to modify it and let's see it is giving what we want :

So when we try:



it gives us output:

[['01', 'modify']] [['01', 'modify']]

Now, this is little confusing we used the pythonic way and still, we are facing the same issue.

let's understand it:

So when we do :


we are actually copying the outer list only, not the nested list, so nested list is same object for both list, let's check:




So actually when we do copy_2=list_2[:] this is what happens:

It creates the copy of list but only outer list copy, not the nested list copy, nested list is same for both variable so if you try to modify the nested list then it will modify the original list too because nested list object is same for both nested list.

So what is the solution?

Solution is deep copy

from copy import deepcopy

So now let's check it :



4322146056 4322148040

both id are different , now let's check nested list id:




As you can see both id are different so we can assume that both nested list are pointing different object now.

So when you do deep=deepcopy(list_2) what actually happens :

So both nested list are pointing different object and they have seprate copy of nested list now.

Now let's try to modify the nested list and let's see if it solved the previous issue or not:

so if we do :



[['01', '98']] [['01', 'modify']]

So as you can see it didn't modify the original nested list , it only modified the copied list.

If you like my detailed answer , let me know by upvoting it , if you have any doubt realted this answer , comment down :)


All of the other contributors gave great answers, which work when you have a single dimension (leveled) list, however of the methods mentioned so far, only copy.deepcopy() works to clone/copy a list and not have it point to the nested list objects when you are working with multidimensional, nested lists (list of lists). While Felix Kling refers to it in his answer, there is a little bit more to the issue and possibly a workaround using built-ins that might prove a faster alternative to deepcopy.

While new_list = old_list[:], copy.copy(old_list)' and for Py3k old_list.copy() work for single-leveled lists, they revert to pointing at the list objects nested within the old_list and the new_list, and changes to one of the list objects are perpetuated in the other.

Edit: New information brought to light

As was pointed out by both Aaron Hall and PM 2Ring using eval() is not only a bad idea, it is also much slower than copy.deepcopy().

This means that for multidimensional lists, the only option is copy.deepcopy(). With that being said, it really isn't an option as the performance goes way south when you try to use it on a moderately sized multidimensional array. I tried to timeit using a 42x42 array, not unheard of or even that large for bioinformatics applications, and I gave up on waiting for a response and just started typing my edit to this post.

It would seem that the only real option then is to initialize multiple lists and work on them independently. If anyone has any other suggestions, for how to handle multidimensional list copying, it would be appreciated.

As others have stated, there are significant performance issues using the copy module and copy.deepcopy for multidimensional lists.


It surprises me that this hasn't been mentioned yet, so for the sake of completeness...

You can perform list unpacking with the "splat operator": *, which will also copy elements of your list.

old_list = [1, 2, 3]

new_list = [*old_list]

old_list == [1, 2, 3]
new_list == [1, 2, 3, 4]

The obvious downside to this method is that it is only available in Python 3.5+.

Timing wise though, this appears to perform better than other common methods.

x = [random.random() for _ in range(1000)]

%timeit a = list(x)
%timeit a = x.copy()
%timeit a = x[:]

%timeit a = [*x]

#: 2.47 µs ± 38.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
#: 2.47 µs ± 54.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
#: 2.39 µs ± 58.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

#: 2.22 µs ± 43.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)


Note that there are some cases where if you have defined your own custom class and you want to keep the attributes then you should use copy.copy() or copy.deepcopy() rather than the alternatives, for example in Python 3:

import copy

class MyList(list):

lst = MyList([1,2,3]) = 'custom list'

d = {
'original': lst,
'slicecopy' : lst[:],
'lstcopy' : lst.copy(),
'copycopy': copy.copy(lst),
'deepcopy': copy.deepcopy(lst)

for k,v in d.items():
    print('lst: {}'.format(k), end=', ')
        name =
    except AttributeError:
        name = 'NA'
    print('name: {}'.format(name))


lst: original, name: custom list
lst: slicecopy, name: NA
lst: lstcopy, name: NA
lst: copycopy, name: custom list
lst: deepcopy, name: custom list


A very simple approach independent of python version was missing in already given answers which you can use most of the time (at least I do):

new_list = my_list * 1       #Solution 1 when you are not using nested lists

However, If my_list contains other containers (for eg. nested lists) you must use deepcopy as others suggested in the answers above from the copy library. For example:

import copy
new_list = copy.deepcopy(my_list)   #Solution 2 when you are using nested lists

.Bonus: If you don't want to copy elements use (aka shallow copy):

new_list = my_list[:]

Let's understand difference between Solution#1 and Solution #2

>>> a = range(5)
>>> b = a*1
>>> a,b
([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> a[2] = 55 
>>> a,b
([0, 1, 55, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

As you can see Solution #1 worked perfectly when we were not using the nested lists. Let's check what will happen when we apply solution #1 to nested lists.

>>> from copy import deepcopy
>>> a = [range(i,i+4) for i in range(3)]
>>> a
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]]
>>> b = a*1
>>> c = deepcopy(a)
>>> for i in (a, b, c): print i   
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]]
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]]
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]]
>>> a[2].append('99')
>>> for i in (a, b, c): print i   
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5, 99]]
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5, 99]]   #Solution#1 didn't work in nested list
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]]       #Solution #2 - DeepCopy worked in nested list


new_list = my_list[:]

new_list = my_list Try to understand this. Let's say that my_list is in the heap memory at location X i.e. my_list is pointing to the X. Now by assigning new_list = my_list you're Letting new_list pointing to the X. This is known as shallow Copy.

Now if you assign new_list = my_list[:] You're simply copying each object of my_list to new_list. This is known as Deep copy.

The Other way you can do this are :

  • new_list = list(old_list)
  • import copy new_list = copy.deepcopy(old_list)


I wanted to post something a bit different then some of the other answers. Even though this is most likely not the most understandable, or fastest option, it provides a bit of an inside view of how deep copy works, as well as being another alternative option for deep copying. It doesn't really matter if my function has bugs, since the point of this is to show a way to copy objects like the question answers, but also to use this as a point to explain how deepcopy works at its core.

At the core of any deep copy function is way to make a shallow copy. How? Simple. Any deep copy function only duplicates the containers of immutable objects. When you deepcopy a nested list, you are only duplicating the outer lists, not the mutable objects inside of the lists. You are only duplicating the containers. The same works for classes, too. When you deepcopy a class, you deepcopy all of its mutable attributes. So, how? How come you only have to copy the containers, like lists, dicts, tuples, iters, classes, and class instances?

It's simple. A mutable object can't really be duplicated. It can never be changed, so it is only a single value. That means you never have to duplicate strings, numbers, bools, or any of those. But how would you duplicate the containers? Simple. You make just initialize a new container with all of the values. Deepcopy relies on recursion. It duplicates all the containers, even ones with containers inside of them, until no containers are left. A container is an immutable object.

Once you know that, completely duplicating an object without any references is pretty easy. Here's a function for deepcopying basic data-types (wouldn't work for custom classes but you could always add that)

def deepcopy(x):
  immutables = (str, int, bool, float)
  mutables = (list, dict, tuple)
  if isinstance(x, immutables):
    return x
  elif isinstance(x, mutables):
    if isinstance(x, tuple):
      return tuple(deepcopy(list(x)))
    elif isinstance(x, list):
      return [deepcopy(y) for y in x]
    elif isinstance(x, dict):
      values = [deepcopy(y) for y in list(x.values())]
      keys = list(x.keys())
      return dict(zip(keys, values))

Python's own built-in deepcopy is based around that example. The only difference is it supports other types, and also supports user-classes by duplicating the attributes into a new duplicate class, and also blocks infinite-recursion with a reference to an object it's already seen using a memo list or dictionary. And that's really it for making deep copies. At its core, making a deep copy is just making shallow copies. I hope this answer adds something to the question.


Say you have this list: [1, 2, 3]. The immutable numbers cannot be duplicated, but the other layer can. You can duplicate it using a list comprehension: [x for x in [1, 2, 3]

Now, imagine you have this list: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]. This time, you want to make a function, which uses recursion to deep copy all layers of the list. Instead of the previous list comprehension:

[x for x in _list]

It uses a new one for lists:

[deepcopy_list(x) for x in _list]

And deepcopy_list looks like this:

def deepcopy_list(x):
  if isinstance(x, (str, bool, float, int)):
    return x
    return [deepcopy_list(y) for y in x]

Then now you have a function which can deepcopy any list of strs, bools, floast, ints and even lists to infinitely many layers using recursion. And there you have it, deepcopying.

TLDR: Deepcopy uses recursion to duplicate objects, and merely returns the same immutable objects as before, as immutable objects cannot be duplicated. However, it deepcopies the most inner layers of mutable objects until it reaches the outermost mutable layer of an object.