I'm trying to deploy my application as a stand-alone that can work on any Linux machine. I've built my application under Qt Creator and have successfully statically linked my application. However, when I test the application on another Linux machine, I get the following error:
libstdc++.so.6: version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./Executable)
I'm not sure how to resolve this error.
This is a error i had myself, but in another context.
What this means is: libstdc++.so.6 (a shared object file, the standard library of c++ programms, that many programms can use together(share)) is another version then the program you compiled requires.
i had this issue when switching from gcc-4.8 to gcc-5.
Have you using different linux distros when compiling and executing? (Ubuntu?)
You must make sure the versions match, or statically compile the used libstdc++ into your binary as well.
Here is a SO question relating to these kind of issues.
GLIBCXX versions