we installed theme to our magento site.....
in that theme, there is a feature, in listings page, there is a pagination.
once we click on that pages[ CTRL + Mouse click] its opening in new tab.
please scroll down fully last for below links.
but after we done lot of code chnages, now this feature is not working.
not working
is there any way we can find what is the problem.
<?php if($this->getCollection()->getSize()): ?>
<?php if($this->getUseContainer()): ?>
<div class="pager">
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($this->getShowAmounts()): ?>
<p class="amount">
<?php if($this->getLastPageNum()>1): ?>
<?php echo $this->__('Items %s to %s of %s total', $this->getFirstNum(), $this->getLastNum(), $this->getTotalNum()) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<strong><?php echo $this->__('%s Item(s)', $this->getTotalNum()) ?></strong>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($this->getShowPerPage()): ?>
<div class="limiter">
<label><?php echo $this->__('Show') ?></label>
<select onchange="setLocation(this.value)">
<?php foreach ($this->getAvailableLimit() as $_key=>$_limit): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $this->getLimitUrl($_key) ?>"<?php if($this->isLimitCurrent($_key)): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif ?>>
<?php echo $_limit ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
</select> <?php echo $this->__('per page') ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($this->getLastPageNum()>1): ?>
<div class="pages">
<strong><?php echo $this->__('Page:') ?></strong>
<?php if (!$this->isFirstPage()): ?>
<a class="previous<?php if(!$this->getAnchorTextForPrevious()): ?> i-previous<?php endif;?>" href="<?php echo $this->getPreviousPageUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Previous') ?>">
<?php if(!$this->getAnchorTextForPrevious()): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/pager_arrow_left.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->__('Previous') ?>" class="v-middle" />
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $this->getAnchorTextForPrevious() ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->canShowFirst()): ?>
<li><a class="first" href="<?php echo $this->getFirstPageUrl() ?>">1</a></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->canShowPreviousJump()): ?>
<li><a class="previous_jump" title="" href="<?php echo $this->getPreviousJumpUrl() ?>">...</a></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php foreach ($this->getFramePages() as $_page): ?>
<?php if ($this->isPageCurrent($_page)): ?>
<li class="current"><?php echo $_page ?></li>
<?php else: ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo $this->getPageUrl($_page) ?>"><?php echo $_page ?></a></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php if ($this->canShowNextJump()): ?>
<li><a class="next_jump" title="" href="<?php echo $this->getNextJumpUrl() ?>">...</a></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if ($this->canShowLast()): ?>
<li><a class="last" href="<?php echo $this->getLastPageUrl() ?>"><?php echo $this->getLastPageNum() ?></a></li>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (!$this->isLastPage()): ?>
<a class="next<?php if(!$this->getAnchorTextForNext()): ?> i-next<?php endif; ?>" href="<?php echo $this->getNextPageUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Next') ?>">
<?php if(!$this->getAnchorTextForNext()): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/pager_arrow_right.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->__('Next') ?>" class="v-middle" />
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $this->getAnchorTextForNext() ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->getUseContainer()): ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>