This is a follow up to my question from yesterday Azure Storage blob using custom domain is not resolving while subdomain worked - how to set up host records?
The objective is to have blob storage files be reachable and ranked on google via our custom domain for example:
This is a new website and so there's no concern with needed redirects from old links.
so in an html file on "" you'd have an internal link for example
<a href="/docs/product1-specs.pdf">product 1 specs</a>
where "" is our custom domain hosted by Azure App Service where "" is the Azure Storage Account "contoso1" where "/docs/product1-specs.pdf" represents the blob file "product1-specs.pdf" in the container "docs" stored in Azure Storage.
This is a four part question:
Question part 1: what is the SEO friendly and proper technical approach to achieve this internal link and retrieve the blob from Azure storage ? Of course the external link fetched as an external resource also needs to be a valid retrievable url.
Is it: a)setting the custom domain for the storage account to a subdomain and then doing an url rewrite/redirect to* b) setting the custom domain for the storage account to and then doing an url rewrite/redirect to* c) something different
I prefer not to have to host and manage ranking for a separate site with - I'd like to have the blobs organized in the "docs" container that online shows up as if it were a folder called "docs".
Question part 2: I create a test Azure storage account called "iprobesolutions" and set the custom domain to per this screenshot:
Is it right to do the following steps in this order: 1) in the Azure storage account set up as the custom domain 2) set dns records for as follows per screenshot: and DNS configuration to point to 3) finally set up URL rewrite configuration
Or do I ONLY need URL rewrite configuration without having to set up a custom domain in Azure Storage ?
Question part 3:
For the URL configuration part, whether done as step 3 or as a single step, looking at this question How to map Azure Blob with container with a custom domain sub-directory? and another source which of below two would be the correct web.config redirect for IIS 8.5 and what is the difference between the two ? As mentioned, there is no concern for maintaining old links as it's a new website .I'm not clear whether for our specific use case we need a redirect or just a rewrite ?
The goal is to have be the canonical name (and NOT the Azure blob name),
<rule name="redirect-docs" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="docs/(.*)"/>
<action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}"></action>
<rule name="docs redirection" stopProcessing="false">
<match url="docs/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" appendQueryString="true" logRewrittenUrl="true" />
Question part 4: since is forced as a HTTPS connection, is converting it into an HTTP connection via our HTTP website w going to lead to some browsers giving a false positive of a security alarm and if so, what is the solution to avoiding these false positives without suddenly being constrained to purchase a TSL certificate to force an HTTPS connections to since it's set up as a static marketing website.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope someone could chime in from their experience facing similar scenarios to mine!