Backbone + Promises - How to fetch after post

2019-09-10 00:43发布


I have a model which has two functions - one posts, and one gets.

The fetch:

fetch: function (options) {
  var self = this;

  return P1Comm.get({
    'dataType': 'json',
    'processAjaxResponse': self.processAjaxResponse,
    'onStatusInvalid': function (e) {
      P1.log(e, 'status');
    'onSuccess': options.success,
    'onError': function (e) {
    'sourceURL': P1.API_APPS_ROOT + 'v1.0/accepted-terms'

The post:

acceptTerms: function (appId) {
  var self = this;

    'app_id': parseInt(appId,10)
  self.createEdit(self.toJSON(), {
  }).pipe(function () {
    var def = $.Deferred();
    var saveOpts = {
        dataType: 'json',
        stringify: true,
        contentType: 'application/json',
        processData: false,
        processAjaxResponse: self.processAjaxResponse
      };, saveOpts);
    return def.promise();

Calling the post from the view: acceptAppTerms.acceptTerms(1);

These both work in their own right but I want to change this so that: - Make the POST acceptTerms() - Then make the GET fetch() - Then call another function

I think it would be something like this (at least for the first two points):

acceptAppTerms.acceptTerms(id).then(function () {
  this.launchApp(event, id);

But I get the error of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined

I am not that good at front-end - can someone point me in the right direction?



fetchAcceptedTerms: function () {
  var self = this;
  this.appAcceptedTerms = new T1AppAcceptedTerms();
  this.acceptedTerms = new AppAcceptedTerms();

    success: function (data) {
      if (data.meta.status === 'success') {

Example below works but it breaks the setting of the data into the model.


The reason you get the error is because your acceptTerms doesn't return anything, or in other words returns undefined which doesn't have a then() method.

Your code should be something like:

fetch: function(options) {
    var self = this;
    return P1Comm.get({
      dataType: 'json',
      processAjaxResponse: self.processAjaxResponse,
      onStatusInvalid: function(e) {
        P1.log(e, 'status');
      onSuccess: options.success,
      onError: function(e) {
      sourceURL: P1.API_APPS_ROOT + 'v1.0/accepted-terms'

acceptTerms: function(appId) {
    var self = this;
      'app_id': parseInt(appId, 10)

    return self.createEdit(self.toJSON(), {}).pipe(function() {
    //---------------------------------------^ better use .then()
      var saveOpts = {
        dataType: 'json',
        stringify: true,
        contentType: 'application/json',
        processData: false,
        processAjaxResponse: self.processAjaxResponse
      return, saveOpts);

This code asummes that P1Comm.get, self.createEdit and returns a promise object. If they don't then you need to create a Deferred object and return it's promise from these functions. And inside the success/error callbacks of their asynchronous actions you need to resolve/reject the promise accordingly.

I'd also like to mention that .pipe() is a deprecated method, you should use then() unless you're using ancient version of jQuery.