Defining various variables from an SQL database ta

2019-09-10 00:18发布


I have a database that looks like this:

Name       | WebsitePrice | WebsiteStock |
football   |   20         | Yes          |
basketball |   10         | No           |
hockey     |   30         | Yes          |

I want to create 2 variables for each item:

  1. price of item
  2. stock of item.

This is the shortest way I came up with:

$item1 = "football";
$item2 = "basketball";
$item3 = "tennis-ball";

$productList = array();
$products = $mysqli->query("select * from table_products where Name IN ('$item1', '$item2', '$item3')");
    while($product = mysqli_fetch_assoc($products)){
        $productList[$product['Name']]['WebsitePrice'] = $product['WebsitePrice'];
        $productList[$product['Name']]['WebsiteStock'] = $product['WebsiteStock'];

//first product: 

$price1 = $productList[$item1]['WebsitePrice']; 
$stock1 = $productList[$item1]['WebsiteStock'];

//second product: 

$price2 = $productList[$item2]['WebsitePrice'];
$stock2 = $productList[$item2]['WebsiteStock'];

//third product: 

$price3 = $productList[$item3]['WebsitePrice'];
$stock3 = $productList[$item3]['WebsiteStock'];

It looks pretty messy to me. Is there any better way to do this? especially if we assume that I might have 20 items and not just 3.

for example, is there a way to skip writing the whole ('$item1', '$item2', '$item3') line and make that line refer to number of items that are defined in the first code block?


If you want to echo the fields directly from the DB, then give your fields aliases, like:

SELECT Name, WebsitePrice as PriceOfItem, WebsiteStock as StockOfItem from table_products where Name IN ('$item1', '$item2', '$item3')


Here's how I changed your code into dynamic one:


$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","test_user","user1234","test");

// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

//turn items into an array
$item_array = array('football','basketball','tennis-ball');

//implode items, turn into string
//result for this string is football','basketball','tennis-ball
$item_implode = join("','", $item_array);

//declare an overall array for result
$product_items = array();

$productList = array();
$result = $con->query("select * from table_products where Name IN ('$item_implode')");

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    $x = 0;
    // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $product_items[$x]["Name"] = $row['Name'];
        $product_items[$x]["WebsitePrice"] = $row['WebsitePrice'];
        $product_items[$x]["WebsiteStock"] = $row['WebsiteStock'];
        $x = $x + 1;
} else {
    echo "0 results";

//can access data by $product_items[index][attribute]
//prints all
for ($i=0; $i < count($product_items); $i++) { 
    echo $product_items[$i]["Name"] . " - ";
    echo $product_items[$i]["WebsitePrice"] . " - ";
    echo $product_items[$i]["WebsiteStock"] . "<br/>";

The result should be:

football - 20 - Yes
basketball - 10 - No

You can add items by adding/appending it to $item_array.