CDH 5.5.2 (hue --workflow--Editor)
we are sqooping data from different system ERP system, so we are created different independent oozie workflow using the editor(hue --workflow--Editor) (ex:- ERP1_workflow1, ERP2_workflow2,ERP3_workflow3, ERP4_workflow...ERP7) each workflow has 4o to 50 sqoop command.hence we created different workflow to run parallel.this will run daily @ particular time.Now we have one more workflow "final_workflow" which has few hive scripts.this need to run If and only if all the (ex:- ERP1_workflow1, ERP2_workflow2,ERP3_workflow3, ERP4_workflow...ERP7) this is completed successfully.
Please can you suggest/step to be followed,to achieve this dependence in oozie.