I have a dropdown which I fill with data from a SQL server.
I fill the dropdown dynamically in the Page_Init()
Depending on the Value, a ListItem is selected.
Now the problem is, that when I select another Item in the dropdown, that after the postback the selection is reset to the first item in the dropdownlist.
This here is a basic version of my code which does not work:
ArrayList AD_Group_Members = ActiveDirectory.GetMemberOfGroup("AD-Group");
ArrayList ListMachines = SQLQuery.Read("Database", "SELECT idVM, RandomString, Computername, Owner, FROM VM ORDER BY Computername");
for (int i = 0; i < ListMachines.Count; i++)
String RandomString = ((Hashtable)ListMachines[i])["RandomString"].ToString();
String Owner = ((Hashtable)ListMachines[i])["Owner"].ToString();
DropDownList DropDownList_Owner = new DropDownList();
DropDownList_Owner.ID = "DropDownList_Owner_" + RandomString;
DropDownList_Owner.Width = Unit.Percentage(95);
DropDownList_Owner.AutoPostBack = true;
DropDownList_Owner.EnableViewState = true;
DropDownList_Owner.SelectedIndexChanged += DropDownList_Owner_SelectedIndexChanged;
for (int y = 0; y < AD_Group_Members.Count; y++)
ListItem ListItem = new ListItem();
ListItem.Value = Owner;
ListItem.Text = ((Hashtable)AD_Group_Members[y])["GivenName"].ToString() + " " + ((Hashtable)AD_Group_Members[y])["Surname"].ToString();
if (((Hashtable)AD_Group_Members[y])["Username"].ToString().Equals(Owner))
ListItem.Selected = true;
Where is the issue in my code, that it doesn't work but the example. Thank in Advance