I am trying to pass an array of interfaces from C# to C++/CLI. Here is the code:
// *** SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus.cpp ***
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <comdef.h>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
namespace SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus {
public ref class MyCppClass
void SetMyInterfaces(
array<SafeArrayTesting_Sharp::MyInterface^>^ myInterfaces);
void MyCppClass::SetMyInterfaces(array<SafeArrayTesting_Sharp::MyInterface^>^
// Create safearray
SAFEARRAY *safeArrayPointer;
SAFEARRAYBOUND arrayDim[1]; // one dimensional array
arrayDim[0].lLbound= 0;
arrayDim[0].cElements= myInterfaces->Length;
safeArrayPointer = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UNKNOWN,1,arrayDim);
// copy ints to safearray
for (long lo= 0;lo<myInterfaces->Length;lo++)
IntPtr myIntPtr = Marshal::GetIUnknkownForObject(myInterfaces[lo]);
// do something with the safearray here - area XX
// *** SafeArrayTesting_Main.cs ***
using SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus;
using SafeArrayTesting_Sharp;
namespace SafeArrayTesting_Main
class SafeArrayTesting_Main
static void Main()
var myCppClass = new MyCppClass();
MyInterface myInterface = new MyClass();
myCppClass.SetMyInterfaces(new[]{ myInterface });
// *** SafeArrayTesting_Sharp.cs ***
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SafeArrayTesting_Sharp
public interface MyInterface
int MyInt { get; set; }
string MyString { get; set; }
DateTime MyDateTime { get; set; }
public class MyClass : MyInterface
public int MyInt{get;set;}
public string MyString{get;set;}
public DateTime MyDateTime{get; set;}
// Just to please the compiler; bear with me.
class DummyClass { static void Main() { } }
As written here, the code runs and compiles cleanly. However, when running the "area XX" part, I get a System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
The XX code is just a single line which calls an auto-generated method accepting a SAFEARRAY pointer. Here is the declaration of this method (from a .tlh file):
virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SafeArray (
/*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * pRetVal ) = 0;
I actually think this method converts the SAFEARRAY back to a .NET array - it's all part of a conversion project my company is running at the time. So there is no alternative to using a SAFEARRAY.
Anyway, it would really surprise me if the code without the XX part is bug-free; I'm quite a novice when it comes to C++. Can you help me spot some of the problems? If anyone can suggest a better way of testing the validity of the SAFEARRAY that would also be a help.
(By the way, this is a more complex variation of the question SafeArrayPutElement method throws System.AccessViolationException , in which I was just passing an array of ints from C# to C++/CLI.)