
Softlayer API to cancel various product immediatel

2019-09-09 22:10发布


I have various use cases, want to know if it is possible for SoftLayer to

  1. Create a cancellation request to cancel the device on the next anniversary day ?
  2. Cancel the next billing day cancellation request as in1
  3. Create a new cancellation request to cancel the device immediately?

From my research on various SoftLayer APIs to cancel device:

  1. Virtual Server
    SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.deleteObject(), this method will cancel a instance effective immedately Is there another method that can cancell the both hourly and monthly virtual servers on the next anniversary date?

  2. Baremetal Server

    • SoftLayer_Ticket.createCancelServerTicket() cancel immediately , with four input parameters, Will monthly bare metal servers to be cancelled immediately?
    • SoftLayer_Ticket.createCancelServerTicket() cancel on the anniversary day , with five input parameters,
  3. Network, security, monitorying and storage:

    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item, cancelService() to cancel immediately Can All the above types of devices be cancelled immediately
    • cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate() Will all the above types of products be cancelled on anniversaryDate if use this this API call?


All the devices and services in softlayer have associated a billing item, basically when you cancel a service or device you are cancelling the billing item.

so in regard your questions:

1.-Create a cancellation request to cancel the device on the next anniversary day ? Resp.- Yes, it is possible you can use the methods cancelItem to cancel VSIs or Bare Metal servers, the method has a parameter called "cancelImmediately" when you set the value to false the device will be cancelled in the anniversary date. for services you can use cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate method.

2.- Cancel the next billing day cancellation request as in1 Resp. It seems to me the same question as the fisrts one.

3.- Create a new cancellation request to cancel the device immediately? Resp: yes, you can. You need to use the cancelItem method or the cancelService method

Regarding to your research: 1.- yes the deleteObject() method will cancell the VSI inmediatly, if you wish to cancel the VSI in the aniversarydate use the cancelItem with the "cancelImmediately" set to false.

2.- This method I did not used a lot, but, if I am not wrong, it does not cancel the device automatically, your ticket must be reviewed for a Softlayer's employee and he cancels the server or VSI.

3.- yes all the types must be cancelled inmediatly with the cancelService() method. - Yes all the types must be cancelled in the anniversaryDate with the cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate() method

For more information about billing items see this: http://sldn.softlayer.com/node/274103