If I have an ATG Nucleus Repository Item that is not cacheable (ATG/Nucleus simple cache is disabled) AND I'm not in a transaction, the following results in two queries to the database.
The following code results in a db query for every property. repositoryItem.getPropertyValue("columnA"); repositoryItem.getPropertyValue("columnB");
If debugging for the user entity is enabled you would see the following log statements ever each call:
repositoryItem.getPropertyValue("columnA"); DEBUG loadingPropertyFromDatabase(user:ID_1.columnA, column_a_value) property is not cacheable caching disabled for this transaction DEBUG loadingPropertyFromDatabase(user:ID_1.columnB, column_b_value) property is not cacheable caching disabled for this transaction DEBUG getPropertyValue(user:ID_1.columnA) -> "column_a_value" (value from database)
repositoryItem.getPropertyValue("columnB"); DEBUG loadingPropertyFromDatabase(user:ID_1.columnA, column_a_value) property is not cacheable caching disabled for this transaction DEBUG loadingPropertyFromDatabase(user:ID_1.columnB, column_b_value) property is not cacheable caching disabled for this transaction DEBUG getPropertyValue(user:ID_1.columnB) -> "column_b_value" (value from database)
We cannot enable caching, due to how the object is being access/updated by other systems.
I also do not want to create a transaction for a read only query of the entity.
If I was using Hibernate, the Hibernate session would keep a state within the session, even if I was not in a transaction. That doesn't seem to be the case with ATG/Nucleus. Is there any way I can get this type of behavior or a thread level cache?
In looking at documentation and walking through the code via debugger (which is difficult w/out source), I am not having any luck finding a work around.