How to bind link items to a Repeater in Sitecore

2019-09-09 20:47发布


The content tree is as follows:

 -News Listing

Each of the Articles is of a Data Template - "News Article" which is as:

News Article
  Article --(Field section)
    Related Articles --(Multilist - with datasource as '/content/News Listing')

Each article has the other 2 articles as its 'Related Articles'. For eg: Article1 has related articles 2&3 and so on.


<h3>Related articles</h3>
<asp:Repeater ID="rpArticles" runat="server" ItemType="Sitecore.Data.Items.Item">
    <ul class="relatedArticles">
      <sc:Link Field="<%#Item.Paths.FullPath %>" runat="server" Item="<%#Container.DataItem %>">
          <sc:Text Field="Heading" runat="server"/>


private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   MultilistField relatedArticles = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["Related Articles"];
   rpArticles.DataSource = relatedArticles.TargetIDs.Select(id => Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(id));

The above markup is a solution from Here
'Heading' is the name of the field (eg: Article1, Article2 etc..)

When I browse 'News Article 1', the related articles should be 2 & 3, but the output is incorrect & also no anchor tags. Just plain text.

What is wrong in my code.


Related Articles


Not sure why you changed your original question since it was almost correct. Since the item you are linking to is not specified in a General Link field you cannot use an sc:Link control, instead is far simpler to either use an ASP.Net Hyperlink control which is bound from code behind in the Item_Bound event or simply append the Item URL to an anchor link:

        <a href="<%# Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl((Sitecore.Data.Items.Item) Container.DataItem) %>">
            <sc:Text Field="Heading" runat="server" Item="<%#Container.DataItem %>"/>


My original answer was wrong as pointed out in comments. Snap response without thinking fully, sorry! Correction:

You're populating the Sitecore text field with the current context item's Header field. Instead your sc:Text control needs to set its Field property from the Container.DataItem.

So try replacing...

<sc:Text Field="Heading" runat="server"/>


<sc:Text Field="Heading" runat="server" Item="<%# Container.DataItem %>"/>