I'm a beginner in Angular 2 and I have a scenario whee there is a directive within a directive and the inner directive is loaded 10 times. Is there a way to show a loading message in the outer directive till all the inner DOM content is loaded? The docs
value is populated by calling a service which populates the values.Right now I have the following code..
Outer Component Template:
@Component ({
selector: 'app',
directives: [Component1, Component2],
template: `
<div id="parent" class="parentDiv">
<div id="scrolling">
<div [hidden]="isLoading">Loading... </div>
<div id="docs" *ngFor="#doc of docs">
<inner-doc *ngFor="#doc of doc.getDoc()" [doc]="doc"></inner-doc>
<div class="clear"></div>
Inner Component Template:
@Component ({
selector: 'inner-doc',
inputs: ['doc', 'body'],
template: `
<div class="Title"><div class="titleText" [innerHtml]="getTitle()"></div></div>
<div class="Body"><div class="bodyText" [innerHtml]="getBody()"></div></div>
Having the following code in outer component using ngAfterViewChecked
to switch Loading
message once the inner directive gets loaded doesn't work well...
constructor (cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {
Any help with a working example would be great :)