I have a Scala PlayFramework function that calls MongoDB and gets a Future[Seq[Document]]
result. After a map zoom/pan event, this Play Action
function is called from JavaScript on a web page via xhttp/GET. My Action method on the Play side returns before the Future's onComplete/Success
is executed. So I'm looking for a way to call a JavaScript function to get the data when the Scala Future's onComplete/Success fires. How would I do that, or am I looking at this wrong?
Here is the code in question.
def rect(swLon: Float, swLat: Float, neLon: Float, neLat: Float) = Action {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
sb.append("<tt>boundingBox: swLon=" + swLon + ", swLat=" + swLat + ", neLon=" + neLon + ", neLat=" + neLat + "</tt>")
if (oDb.isDefined) {
val collection: MongoCollection[Document] = oDb.get.getCollection(collectionName)
val fut = getFutureOne(collection) // returns a Future[Seq[Document]]
fut onComplete {
case Success(docs) => { for (doc <- docs) { setMongoJson(doc.toJson } }
case Failure(t) => { println("FAIL: " + t.getMessage) }
// below is temporary until I figure out a better way to store/return the result when it comes in
private var mongoJson: String = ""
private def setMongoJson(s: String): Unit = mongoJson = s
is temporary, it just does a db.collection.find().first().toFuture
. I just wanted to make sure my connection to MongoDB was working, and it is. In actual fact I'll replace it with a query to return data that falls within the bounding box.