Sparx EA: What type of relationship created when a

2019-09-09 20:14发布


In this question (point #3), I asked about getting a Packaging Component recognized as contained by a Node (device or execution environment) on a deployment diagram.

No direct answer. However, the answers to other points led me toward an alternative that seems simple in concept: manually create the relationship or link.

So, I looked @ one of my Component <--> Node "containment" links to see what Sparx creates in the background. But, from the properties page / dialog of both the Component and Node, I can't see anything linking the two.

So ... what is actually created when a Component is "dropped into" a Node?


As I mentioned in my comment to your previous question: None. When you drop one element over another then this is docked graphically (only if it's significantly smaller). As a side effect (and it's legal for UML) the moved element is also made a sub-element of the one where it has been dropped. (There is some option where you can turn of this behavior but don't ask me where in that options haystack EA has.)

P.S.: It's Tools/Options/Diagram/Behavior/Auto Group... (top left the lowest check mark)