I've created a web service using this example:
When I call the web service to get the WSDL, I use a URL like this:
And WebSphere responds with a WSDL page with a URL like this:
What I'd like is for WebSphere to respond using SSL and port 443, and not the WebSphere default host port.
I tried modifying the "Provide HTTP endpoint URL information" page in WebSphere console for the application to use "https://acme.com:443" for the "HTTP URL prefix", but WebSphere doesn't use this, even after restarting WebSphere.
How do I configure WebSphere so that it doesn't use its default ports when responding to web service requests?
I'm using WebSphere 6.1.
Some background information:
The service is included in a J2EE application that uses Struts for its design pattern. The struts-config.xml is configured to serve the app on ports 80 and 443. The WAS server where the app runs is fronted by an Apache web server, which is redirecting requests to the app via a load balancer.
The AWS load balander config is directing requests among four separate WAS servers, each serving a copy of the application. Each WAS server is configured to deliver a unique server ID string back to the user. AWS uses this string to determine which WAS server will handle subsequent requests made by the user. This all works fine for the parts of the J2EE app that are handled by Struts, but the web service exists outside of that context. This seems to be why the web service responds using the WAS default secure port, and not the port defined in Struts.
I can't change the WAS default secure port to 443, because I can't have two instances of WAS on the same server both listening to port 443.