My requirement is to generate a employee details report of multiple employees.Parameters for query will be employee number and a date range.
This is the record selection formula i'm using
Stringvar Array strings := Split({?empNoList}, "_");
Numbervar Array numbers;
Redim numbers[Ubound(strings)];
Numbervar i;
for i := 1 to Ubound(strings) do (
numbers[i] := ToNumber(strings[i]);
if {EMP_LEAVE_REPORT_VIEW.EMP_NO} = numbers[i] then
First i'm checking for the date. Then i'm taking the employee list as a one string {?empNoList} eg: 5162_5468_5896_5236 and i'm splitting it to separate strings using "_" as the delimiter and assign those values again into a number array and using that value to filter the employee.
But this formula doesn't work.It gives the details of all the employees. Is this a problem of the way i converted the string array or is there something wrong in the for loop of my code?
I used this code and tried assigning one employee number to the {?empNoList} and it worked.
if (ToNumber({?empNoList}) = {EMP_LEAVE_REPORT_VIEW.EMP_NO}) then true else false
Please help me out with this.Thanks in advance!