I'm trying to use Facebook GraphAPI 2.0 to fetch user's id, first_name, and the url of profile picture(with special size modifiers) with single request. Here are my attempts:
If simply ask for picture, we can use: "me/picture?redirect=0&height=200&type=square&width=200" ==>It's successful.
If ask batch of information without special requirement of picture, we use: "me?fields=id,picture,first_name" ==> It's also successful.
Now, combining the two together, I tried: "me?fields=id,first_name,picture.fields(redirect(0), type(square),width(100))" as instructed by https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.0#reading (the paragraph of "Making Nested Requests"). It returns error...
Thanks for any advice. you can use GraphAPI Explorer to check: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=me%3Ffields%3Did%2Cname&version=v2.0