I'm working with dplyr and created code to compute new data that is plotted with ggplot.
I want to create a function with this code. It should take a name of a column of the data frame that is manipulated by dplyr. However, trying to work with columnnames does not work. Please consider the minimal example below:
df <- data.frame(A = seq(-5, 5, 1), B = seq(0,10,1))
foo <- function (x) {
df %>%
filter(x < 1)
Error in filter_impl(.data, dots(...), environment()) :
object 'B' not found
Is there any solution to use the name of a column as a function argument?
If you want to create a function which accepts the string "B" as an argument (as in you question's title)
foo_string <- function (x) {
eval(substitute(df %>% filter(xx < 1),list(xx=as.name(x))))
If you want to create a function which accepts captures B as an argument (as in dplyr)
foo_nse <- function (x) {
# capture the argument without evaluating it
x <- substitute(x)
eval(substitute(df %>% filter(xx < 1),list(xx=x)))
You can find more information in Advanced R
makes things easier in version 0.3. Functions with suffixes "_" accept a string or an expression as an argument
foo_string <- function (x) {
# construct the string
string <- paste(x,"< 1")
# use filter_ instead of filter
df %>% filter_(string)
foo_nse <- function (x) {
# capture the argument without evaluating it
x <- substitute(x)
# construct the expression
expression <- lazyeval::interp(quote(xx < 1), xx = x)
# use filter_ instead of filter
df %>% filter_(expression)
You can find more information in this vignette
I remember a similar question which was answered by @Richard Scriven. I think you need to write something like this.
foo <- function(x,...)filter(x,...)
What @Richard Scriven mentioned was that you need to use ...
here. If you type ?dplyr, you will be able to find this: filter(.data, ...)
I think you replace .data with x or whatever. If you want to pick up rows which have values smaller than 1 in B in your df, it will be like this.
foo <- function (x,...) filter(x,...)
foo(df, B < 1)