I have this simple function in a class that return IENumerable Colection using LINQ projection:
public IEnumerable<Pedidos> Pedidos_Listar(string sComprobante, Clientes MyCliente = null, DateTime? dDesde = null, DateTime? dHasta = null, bool bCumplidos = false)
using (var context = new OhmioEntities())
(from Pedidos in context.Pedidos
join Clientes in context.Clientes on Pedidos.ID_Cliente equals Clientes.ID_Cliente
where Pedidos.ID_Comprobante == sComprobante
select Pedidos).ToList();
Can anybody tell me why the fields of the IEnumerable are returned in alphabetical order instead of the original object definition? And how do I return members in a specific order? Thank you
UPDATE Sorry if my question wasn't clear. i'll try to explain my problem. The class Pedidos (It's realy a POCOs class generated from EF) has some properties like this:
public class Pedidos
public virtual int ID_Pedido { get; set; }
public virtual int Numero { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime Fecha { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime FechaEntrega { get; set; }
public virtual string Cliente { get; set; }
public virtual Decimal Bruto { get; set; }
public virtual Decimal Neto { get; set; }
public virtual Boolean Aprobado { get; set; }
public virtual string Observaciones { get; set; }
public virtual Boolean Entregado { get; set; }
My order problem is not about the data inside the class, so the ORDER sugestion doesn't resolve my problem. It's about the order of the properties. When i use ToList() to fill this class i get the properties in alphabetical order (Aprobado, Bruto, etc...) instead of the definition of the class order(ID_Pedido, Numero, etc...). The language of the names of the fields is irrelevant here. Hope this clear my answer.
When i try to show the data on cliente over a datagrid:
As you can see on both cases properties properties appear order alphabelicaly instead the class order. Why?