Vimeo API Error 708

2019-09-09 13:53发布


using Vimeo API to upload a video (mp4) to my Vimeo account. Uinsg the vimeo.php file with a little modification (objects were used when they should have been arrays) I am calling

$video_id = $vimeo->upload

I am able to trace the getQuota, getTicket, verifyChunks but it fails on:

$this->call('vimeo.videos.upload.complete', array('ticket_id' => $ticket, 'filename' => $file_name));

With the following error:

stdClass Object(
[generated_in] => 1.0675
[stat] => fail
[err] => stdClass Object
        [code] => 708
        [expl] => The file could not be saved. Try again.
        [msg] => File error

Any help?


If it can be of any help, I had the exact same error and switching from endpoint_secure to endpoint resolved the issue from the upload form.

标签: php vimeo