I have two select2 dropdowns and I want to change options the second dropdown depending on first dropdown.
For example,
data: 'country_id',
editor: 'select2',
renderer: customDropdownRenderer,
select2Options: {
data: {!! $production_units !!} ,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
data: 'state_id',
editor: 'select2',
renderer: customDropdownRenderer,
select2Options: {
data: [],
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
width: 'resolve'
Depending on country_id, I want to change select2 options of state_id. I know how to make this work with just select2, but I am not able to figure out how to make it work with handsontable.
I have change select2Options in afterChange, but how to do that?
afterChange: function (change, source) {
if(change[0][1] == 'country_id')
$.get("/api/states?country="+change[0][3], function(data){
//What should be done here?